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Premium Aquatics Aquarium Supplies

Andy's 90 Gallon***1 Year Old***


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Hello, everyone this jourey start a year ago with a 29 fresh water. when I went to a 55 freshwater when a biocube 14 like 6 or so months ago. thats when I got the saltwater bug and can't stop!! I have been looking at the nuvo 38 aio then I walked into my LFS and saw this great tank. A acrylic 90 gallon RR with berlin system. I got a steal on this setup the tank was built by them 10 years ago and in great shape couple small/minor scratches.

so here where I started



This is today



Current fish list:

Powder Blue Tang

Hippo Tang

2x Ocellaris Clownfish

Christmas Wrasse

Purple Firefish

Banggai Cardinal

Green Mandarin


Current Equipment:

Lighting: 2x Gen one 120w 20k Evolution LEDs

Sump: LifeReef CFL1 compact

Skimmer: SVS2-24 with a Rio 3100

Heater: eheim 250 watt


Return: eheim 1262

Power heads: 2x Hydor Koralia 1400

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OK, stocking wise:

I'm thinking...

Yellow Tang

some kind of Tang, maybe a blue tang (if it won't outgrow the tank). I could sell it later if it gets too big.

2 Clowns, I really want the mixed color, like 1 black and 1 normal will they work together?

Red Scooter Blenny, eating prepared foods

Melanurus wrasse

Mandarin, but I don't have a fuge. Yes, I know the scooter and mandarin eat lots of pods! I would wait like 6 months to a year :P



These are not final, i am vary open minded give me ideas!


I have to have a tang on my mom's request and clowns, scooter blenny .


Are there any other wrasse that are cool B)


now CUC

whats good for my tank!

I do have some from my 14 biocube but tell me what I need for this 90


my mom wants a nem a RBTA I am going to run 6-54w t5s

I am sticking to LPS and soft maybe lower light sps


more pics to come!!!!





stand sanded


my berlin system cleaned up



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Just talk to John at reefcleaners, he'll answer all your questions about cuc. You should order from there when the time comes... great service and you always get extras!

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like when i mean to big like too many and will starve


I'd either contact Reefcleaners directly or order a ready pack 1/2 your tank's size.

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Yes, compensate for the extras John always sends.


I recently, feeling quite greedy, ordered a quick crew from ReefCleaners. Advertised as 10 dwarf Ceriths, I got literally 150. No joke.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Got my clean up crew

I now have

18 hermits i had 2 and i asked for 12 and they gave me 16

7 nass

9 astrea

3 turbo


1 pistol shrimp

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