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I would like to go on the record as saying I officially hate BigAlsOnline.com and would recommend NO ONE order from them, even people I don't like. I have now ordered from them 3 times, and guess how many times they have screwed up my order to one extent or another? You guessed it! 3!!!


What went wrong this time you ask?

First, they were slow as all heck. I ordered everything the week before this past Monday, yeah, March 29th, at about 2pm THEIR local time. Now, I am no logistics expert, but it doesn't take me three hours to go shopping anywhere and pickup only a dozen items. So they didn't get it out same day, okay. I called Tuesday and cancelled two Red Sea test kits I ordered since hey, by 3pm their time on Tuesday, they still hadn't even STARTED to pull my order. They said it would delay to shipping until Wednesday. Not my first choice, but easier for everyone, and cheaper for them instead of having to pay for return shipping for two stupid test kits. I was trying to be a nice guy and figured a day wouldn't make a difference. Then I called Wednesday for my UPS tracking number, but they said they were shipping it out and didn't have the tracking number and wouldn't until the next day. Alright. Called Thursday, said they did not get it out Wednesday, but they were sending it out Thursday and would have a tracking number by Friday. Okay... testing my patience now. Called Friday. They didn't get it out Thursday, but I was assured it was going out that day and I could have tracking information on the following Monday. It has now been a full week since I placed my order. I called Monday. They said they were going to e-mail the tracking info and it did go out Friday. Never got an e-mail. Spent over 30 minutes on hold to get a tracking number on Tuesday, and finally got it. Checked UPS and saw the package didn't even have a tracking number until 3:30pm on Friday. Expected delivery a week later, today. Also found out by now they did ship me the test kits anyways. Fine. Asked them if every other item shipped and they said yes.


Well, today I get the package, open it up and found a number of problems. For one, I ordered two sticks of epoxy, one for me and one for a friend. My frags have been sitting in the sand for almost a week now and I was holding off buying the epoxy since last Saturday because I had some coming. Well, instead of epoxy I got a note, saying they were out of stock and if I really wanted it, I could place an entirely new order for it. Nice. Really freakin nice. Then I go through the shipping manifest and invoice. I received an 8oz bottle of Phytoplankton. Only problem is, I ordered a 16oz bottle. I was charged for an 8oz bottle, but my original order summary e-mail says 16oz. I also was charged for 3 different types of flake food I ordered. Funny things is, THERE WAS NO FLAKE FOOD IN THE PACKAGE!!! Now, since I was waiting for this package to arrive, I barely have enough food to last me through the weekend, which means I have yet another item to buy locally and get raped for.


Which brings me to my conclusion: NEVER EVER ORDER FROM BIGALSONLINE! I am not the only person I know this has happened to, and this is not even the first time this has happened to me alone, but I figured I would give them the benefit of the doubt since I have heard so many people rant and rave about how great they are. What they are, is cheap, but who cares when you don't even get what you ordered and what you need? I am going to Marine Depot and Drs. Foster and Smith from now on.


Oh, and I have been trying to call Big Al's to get this straightened out for 3 hours now, and guess what? No one is answering the phones and the general mailbox is full. When I get ahold of them they will be issuing a credit for the entire order, and I am sending ALL of it back and reordering from someone else. I have already called my credit card company and ordered a stop payment on the charges. They can take my business and shove it where the sun don't shine for all I care. I have had it with their disgusting ways of doing business and I want everyone to know them for who they really are. If you had a good experience with them, consider yourself one of the lucky few.



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One other thing. I spent several years as a retail training developer and trainer. There is a basic law of retail that states:

For every great experience a customer has, that customer will turn around and tell at least 3 people of their good experience. For every bad experience, that same customer will turn around and tell at least 10 people of their bad experience.


I hope I just told at least a thousand people about mine. These people need to learn that customers are what make a business succeed, more then location, capital, training, supply, display, everything. Without customers a business cannot and will not survive.



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Too bad... I've had good dealings with them. Call them and tell them your problem and they'll do you good. I received a AquaClear filter with a cracked body and they sent me a new one free of charge and I get to keep the broken one for parts. They are shipping from the east coast so it will take a while to reach Cali...

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I had a half/half experence about two years ago. I got what i've ordered on time, That's good part. The bad part is... 1 suction cup is missing with Ebo heater. I called them and said I want return, and they said they'll give me another suction cup and that's all they can do for me. I told them go ahead, and never received that suction cup. And the Ebo heater is the first Ebo that died on me.


If you got everything you supposed to get without any problem... then that's good. But if you have problem, you're screwed.

I would say "There's a lot of other online stores, find better one for you"

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No offense, but I would have thought you would have learned not to order from the them after the first time. I can even understand the second...

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  • 3 weeks later...

I had a simliar experience as phantomsax. i like their cheap prices but after their web site upgrade, their order processing and customer service went downhill. Late orders, missed orders in the system, lack of communication all amounted to a lost lifetime customer. I would NEVER order from them again in a heartbeat.

Drs Foster and Smith, MarineDepot, Hellolights and Petsolutions on the other hand were very good experiences.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I have never had luck at their store. It is a high turnover place so it is busy. As others have said go during the week if you want any help.


I find their livestock people to be "iffy" at best and they are always misidentifying their critters.


They can be idiots - especially this one kid who wears a hat always who thinks he knows everything but really knows nothing - but some are real nice.


I find all their Big Al's brand products are junk. IMO


I have never ordered from them since I live fairly close, but I wouldn't recommend them to anyone who is because there are so many other choices.


i think they lost sight of the hobby a ways back and are more into the business side of things. Nothing really wrong with that, but be informed.


Oh yeah, forget about calling that 1800# and asking anything beyond what is in stock.

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Marine Depot is ALOT closer to you. Faster shipping and great service. You could probably even drive down there from SFV to Anaheim and pick up your stuff will call direct from their warehouse and save on shipping.



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Yeah, Gilman is right, marinedepot really is tops. I am very impressed by them in all categories. next time just use them.


Sorry you had such a crappy experience.

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