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Coral Vue Hydros



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Long time lurker, first time poster.


I just wanted to say hi for some reason. I've been into fish keeping for a few years now and I think I'm finally ready to try my hand at a small reef. A while back I did have an aggressive sw tank which turned into a dismal failure. I've been doing fw planted tanks ever since. Here's a recent photo of my 60P:




I am active on a few different planted tank forums and am a moderator on one of them(you guys probably won't have any trouble with me, lol). So far, I have been very impressed with the knowledge base the sw community has and am trying to learn all I can. With that said, I am hoping to start up soon and you'll probably here a whole lot more out of me at that point.


I don't read much about calcium reactors on this site, but if you guys ever need some advice about building you're own co2 regulator, I'm you man. I've pretty much seen it all as far co2 goes so just ask away if need be. Here's a thread I've been working on about it on TPT:







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