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Gmods Evolve 8G build


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Decided to make my own thread..Stop interfering in Trey's topic..(Sorry Trey)


Rock scape is final..Iam not gonna mess with it again..Being truly suck at doing it..Will be running a Par30 bulb i p/u from user here...still havint decided how iam gonna arrange the filter compartment..gonna make it simple though...So give me thoughts on scape..even though i probably wont change it..LOL...


Took a pic of the light so people can see the difference between the 8g light vs the 4g





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Up and running at the same time! I hate playing with rocks too. I think only geologists have fun with that :huh: I like the rock work on the right side. I'll def be following along to see how it turns out

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Yea it was one of those impulse buys...saw it at petsmart. Decided it doesnt work out i will just make a planted freshwater tank...


Up and running at the same time! I hate playing with rocks too. I think only geologists have fun with that :huh: I like the rock work on the right side. I'll def be following along to see how it turns out


Will my plan is the left side to be more of a zoa garden/mushroom the right side more light loving corals maybe a sps or 2...I want a lot of GSP. in this tank..Cause I love the green grass look that ive seen some tanks...

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Ok redid it AGAIN!! Found a nice rock in the junk bucket for the left side...then decided to try the 2 tier thingy...


Any better any worse...



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I personally like the new scape u made better than the first, I like a lot of rock work like caves and whatnot. I may have missed it but did u say what kinds of coral u will have?

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hmmm i don't know... i think i liked the first scape better :)

the second looks good also, entirely your choice though! oh and whatever you go with, make sure it's stable. epoxy pieces together if you need to also

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Ok i think iam gonna roll with this let the tank cycle...see how it goes once its time for coral..I just basically moved the left rock around (seemed like 30 times)..I like how the 2 islands slightly touch in the middle...






Hope this is NanoReef approved...

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Just remember, you have to look at it everyday, you might as well set it up how you want it, not how we want it!


It's alot easier to move it before you have fish and coral and everything in there too!

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