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Aqua Medic Yasha - NPS nano reef


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Few days ago I got this little tank. I'm very satisfied with design, materials and equipment!

I'm in reefing for about year and a half and I have many corals, big zoa colony, many LPS corals, some SPS and softies but past few months I'm very interested for non-photosynthetic corals so I decide to make one small NPS nano reef. Nanoprop 5000 and Turboflotor 500 are high quality equipment so I hope that tank will be able to handle with non-stop food dosing. Also, I decide to do some extra work with Yasha and prepare it for NPS adventure ;)


- Dimensions: 30X39,5X30mm - 35l

- Wavemaker: Nanoprop 5000

- Skimmer:Turboflotor 500 skimmer

- Ledligh: 3X3W


Today I will set aquascape. I will use cycled rocks,water and sand from my bigger mixed reef.

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What do you intend to stock?



- Corynactis anemone

- Tubastrea - Sun Coral

- Gorgonias


Fish and Invertebrates:

- Chrysiptera parasema - Yellowtail demsel

- Thor amboinensis – Sexy shrimp – one pair

- Paguristes cadenati - Scarlet Hermit Crab

- maby Okinawe goby or Clown goby or Pom Pom Crab...


Half our ago I finished aquascape, add water and start pump and skimmer. Tomorrow I will add new better photos, water is not crystal clear now. How do you like my aquascape?

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Have you kept NPS before? The anemones and suns are easy enough to feed (as I'm sure you know) but the gorgonians are a little more tricky.


What do you know of them? If you can get them where you are I would recommend menella and Diodogorgia nodulifera as a starting place for gorgs as they will require the least amount of feeding (only 8-10 times a day) and will accept a wide range of food.

Unfortunately I am a new member here and not well known but NPS is my thing :) if you would like further info to go with your own research please let me know and I can guide you to some very intresting sources.

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Have you kept NPS before? The anemones and suns are easy enough to feed (as I'm sure you know) but the gorgonians are a little more tricky.


What do you know of them? If you can get them where you are I would recommend menella and Diodogorgia nodulifera as a starting place for gorgs as they will require the least amount of feeding (only 8-10 times a day) and will accept a wide range of food.

Unfortunately I am a new member here and not well known but NPS is my thing :) if you would like further info to go with your own research please let me know and I can guide you to some very intresting sources.


I had and before some NPS corals in mixed reef but never gorgonias. Sorgan,thanks for information about Menella sp. and Diodogorgia nodulifera. Menella is one of my favorite gorgonias so I will try to find them!

For feeding, I will use Fauna Marin and Reef Nutrition products. Later, I will add more photos, now, water is more clear!


Is there anyone who knows which NPS gorgonias are easier to keep?

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Menella I found, they will if happy stay open all the time and are easier to notice if they start stripping. DN's can be moody of they slime up (run your fingers over them to clear slime coatings) . Steer clear of blueberrys :)

I'm at work ATM but I will dig out more info from my files after I have played squash tonight.

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Just an idea - when I helped maintain an NPS tank to cut down on the required maintenance. We installed a phyto-dosing reactor to dose 9x a day and spot fed with pumps off two times a day. Made keeping gorgs easy with the phyto reactor- before the phyto reactor it was a 4 person job - we all went home to feed the gorgs at diff times on our lunch break.


Tank looks great thus far :D


Ps - a phyto reactor will keep the phyto in suspension, and its a continual supply of phyto - top it off with ro/di every /every other day with a couple drops of miracle grow indoor plant liquid suppliment or alga-grow. Empty reacotr once monthly to clean w/distilled white vinegar & then pour your culture back in.

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Menella I found, they will if happy stay open all the time and are easier to notice if they start stripping. DN's can be moody of they slime up (run your fingers over them to clear slime coatings) . Steer clear of blueberrys :)

I'm at work ATM but I will dig out more info from my files after I have played squash tonight.


Ok, I won't buy blueberry gorgonia although its one of most beautiful gorgonias...

This is small tank and not much corals can fit in. Few heads of each Tubastrea morph, small anemones and few easy keeping gorgonias and its full. Just need to find best gorgonia combination.

Find some useful files. Thanks ;)

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Just an idea - when I helped maintain an NPS tank to cut down on the required maintenance. We installed a phyto-dosing reactor to dose 9x a day and spot fed with pumps off two times a day. Made keeping gorgs easy with the phyto reactor- before the phyto reactor it was a 4 person job - we all went home to feed the gorgs at diff times on our lunch break.


Tank looks great thus far :D


Ps - a phyto reactor will keep the phyto in suspension, and its a continual supply of phyto - top it off with ro/di every /every other day with a couple drops of miracle grow indoor plant liquid suppliment or alga-grow. Empty reacotr once monthly to clean w/distilled white vinegar & then pour your culture back in.


Check this DIY culture station:


Just don't know how and where to get starting culture and how much is temperature range?!

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Scape rocks!


Thanks! It was challenging to make attractive scape in such a small tank!

Before I fill tank with sand and water, I took few rocks and try few combinations! I find best combination and I fix rocks with Milliput epoxy. I used six rocks for this scape and collect it carefully so it look like two rocks.


You can buy phyto from your LFS and use that to start cultures. Temps vary but usually it's 23c - 27c (sorry Im metric :) )


What is LFS?

Oh no, 23-27°C, one more heater :)

With what you feed your phyto? Only light?

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To grow phyto use salinity 1.019, 5ml of miracle grow indoor plant liquid suppliment per and 1ml kent essential elements per half gallon. Light cycle 16day 8 night. Cone shaped reactor bottom w/ air injection to keep phyto from settling. And culture stations are nice, I have one on a smaller scale then that, but I was talking about a phyto reactor like so




You can diy too


LFS - local fish store

AIO - all in one

LACF - local aquaculture facility

TDS - todal dissolved solids

Ect ect

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Remember though that while gorgonians feed on phyto it shouldn't be it's only food.

In the wild they take almost any plankton and need food from the other planktonic ranges.

Rotifera, oyster/fish eggs, juiced clam meat all make good foods aswell.

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Light cycle 16day 8 night.

Explain please :D


You think on this: Miracle Gro Grow Liquid House plant Food

I will make phyto-reactor like on your link but first automatic top off system.

Thanks, your advices are rally helpful!


Remember though that while gorgonians feed on phyto it shouldn't be it's only food.

In the wild they take almost any plankton and need food from the other planktonic ranges.

Rotifera, oyster/fish eggs, juiced clam meat all make good foods aswell.


I know. I will order Fauna Marin products: Ultra Clam, Ultra Seafan, Ultra Min F and Reef Nutrition: Phyto-Feast and Oyster Feast. And mix classic frozen food like artemia, myssis, Cyclop-eeze...

I easily can get FM products. Reef nutritions and Phyto-culture will be little hardly to find here.

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Yea sorgon is right - phyto reactor just makes life easy so you only have to do 2-3 spot feedings a day vs 8 or 9


Plus you can split your reactor to a another reactor to culture roti's also. I was simply just giving you ideas 1 to help make feeding them enjoyable vs a chore. And 2 timed feedings throughout the day via direct tank injection will help longevity of the speciments vs feeding 7 times in 3 hours every day you get home from work/school

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Well I will be watching this :) I'm doing a sun coral tank now that my hand is better (lost all my NPS in a tank crash as I couldn't maintain it due to almost chopping my thumb off ) but need to wait for my tank to arrive :(

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