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new tank


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Seriously, though you are going to need a good heater in the 150 watt range or so. Don't skimp at all there, just buy the best one that you can and you will be happy. You will then need something for water movement. You can start out with an HOB or power heads, or just power heads. Best bet is to do this start out with a diy refugium, and a maybe two other power heads, and eventualy get yourself an Aqua C remora skimmer. Next is light. Depending on what coral that you are going to keep will depend on how much light you will need. SPS and LPS will need more light than soft stuff like Mushrooms, rics, and zoos. You can spend in the neigbor hood of 100.00 or you can get the best and spend around 350.00. Now for the live stuff. I prefer the sugar sized tiny grained aragonite from aragalive. Any good substrate will work so long as it is aragonite and not silica sand. Next will be live rock and I am going to say that you will need right around 40 lbs of it. Once you have completed most of these things you will have a tank that is ready to cycle, and on it's way to being beautiful.

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