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Pod Your Reef

Hey, Anyone want to help a Non-Idiotic Newbie?


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Yeah, Uh anyways. I have a 4 G Tall Tank, It's a rather strange tank, and I had to do a few Mod's to the top of it just so my damned filter could fit without looking retarded.


Anyways heres my question.


I don't have a hood for the Sonuva gun, I don't have the supplies to make one currently. Yes, I was the idiot who was going to make a thin plastic mesh top, but decided to give up because any lighting would be somewhat restricted and might even fall through the Mesh.




Now, I want to know which lights I should use. I'm on a very tight budget, and I'm not going to keep any corals, just this cool Mushroom my Step dad has in his tank. (Don't know the name of it, but its pretty common from what I've seen at the LFS's I've gone to with him.)


Now, I have a good filter, I've fitted it for my tank. (The input was too long and was somewhat busted)


I've got everything clean and ready.


I'm going to keep about 3 pounds of live rock, 2 snails, and a scarlet cleaner shrimp. Plus, 1 fish. (Undecided what, Either a cheap damsel since I'm pretty new to this, Or A True Perc, or a Clown Goby)


That's IT!


So, I don't need very-good lights, and I probably couldn't afford them anyways. So, What should I do? What lights can you suggest. Also, should I just build a hood for the lights, or should I do like some of you other nice people, and hang my lights from my damned ceiling, or the shelf that I'm going to put up to keep some of my other Reef` stuff?


Thanks for all comments, also.. If there are ANY articals you can suggest to a Newbie like me, feel free. (Other then the ones on this site, as I've already checked most of them out)

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