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any use for baby snails


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Along with a 15 gallon tank I just set up I also have a 120 gallon tank. I have literally hundreds of small snails, most the size of a bb or larger. Being new to nano systems I wanted to know if there is any practical use for these snails in a small system? Is this something that other nano enthusiasts would be interested in obtaining? They appear to be baby astrea snails, I see them mating on almost a nightly basis. I obviously have very little predators that eat the little guys. There are so many I have to constantly pick them out of the sump and throw them back in the tank. Any feedback is appreciated

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I have them too but they never seem to get any larger, the more the better I guess.

I put quite a few in my nano but I only see them at night.


You could probably round some up and do a trade with someone who needs some snails.

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They are similar to the snails in the link. I see the astrea snails congregate at the top of the tank at night. There will be three or four there and one pulsing. I'll actually shoot water above the surface of the water, and under neath the spray looks milky, either eggs or sperm. Many of the snails have tiny cones that look like baby snails attached to the bottom of the shell. These could be totally unrelated to the small round shaped snails that I am referring to. Just trying to find out.

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