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Cultivated Reef

new to nano reefs and saltwater tanks


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Hi, the girl working at the lfs told me about this site after I asked her how difficult it is to start a salt water aquarium. I have 2 freshwater tanks at home, consisting of a 100+ gallon w/ a silver arrowana and a 30 gallon community tank. I have the following items avaliable for starting up a nano tank.


1. 10 gallon tank

2. Pengiun Mini power filter

3. Canopy w/ florscent lighting

4. 100 watt heater


I know I need more stuff, so can anyone tell me what stuff I need to get?


Thanks :)

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yeah...that's not the site I was really looking for ...there is a much better one, but haven't found it yet..Believe it or not skilters do work they just don't work that well.. I wouldn't use one but then i don't need it on my small tank...but anyway....


godwinlee you'll need for a 10 gal


15 lbs of cured live rock

small power head ...micro jet for water movement

hydrometer... to check specific gravity

PH...test kit

ammonia ...test kit



after you mix the water and salt...check the specifc gravity should be between 1.023- 1.025

put thelive rock in and let the tank cycle....10 to 14 days then check for ammonia...

If I forgot anything someone else will chime in...


you can use the small filter you have but it's only good for water movement....take the filter media out of it and just put some charcoal in....preferably... Black diamond


Don't know how many watts your light is but you'll prob need at least 32 watts for even low light stuff

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I would wait a while to make sure the tank is stable before putting any fish in...Once the tank has cycled you can add some hermit crabs and a few snails..a low light coral or two (mushrooms, pollups) and see how they do !!! For a tank that size I'd go with something small like a blenny or a small clown fish but only one IMO....remember ...patience is the key for reef tanks...I took nearly 8 months to fully stock my 6 gal reef but I 've had no casualties at all and eerything is doing well

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how would I actually know its stable? Sorry if I am asking too many questions I am new to this.. and I dont want to blow too much money for screwing up.

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after the ammonia is 0.. do a I gallon water change and put in the crabs wait maybe a week or so and add a few corals and in a couple of weeks if everthing seems to be doing good it should be fairly stable... it takes time ....i'd do at least a I gallon water change a week, after it has cycled, more if you start getting algae. blooms....you will get algaae during the cyle and that's normal.....and make sure you use R/O water...(reverse osmosis) !!!!

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