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Cultivated Reef

Office Desktop Nana


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I currently have a 2 maybe 2.5g hex aquarium on my desk at work (see attached photo). It have one goldfish in it now. I've been thinking of moving the goldfish and converting it to a FOWLR nano. Is it possible to do this with this size tank? I was thinking of putting one clown in the tank with maybe 5 lbs of LR and maybe some snails or hermits. What can I do for lighting? The hood on the tank has one 15w probably incandesant bulb.


Thanks for the info.

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I wouldnt put a fish in a 2.5 hex.


I would replace the bulb with a 13w 50/50 PC and throw in about 3lbs of LR, .5" of sand. Then put in some shrooms and/or zoos and maybe 2-3 sexy shrimp.



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ghetto! but hey its all good right?:P i hope that ph 8.2 isnt for the freshwater :P ya that fish is way too big for that tank. Why bother with fowlr? Just do a straight coral tank, thats what im settin up at my office.

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i wouldn't recommend fish for that setup either but it could be done. wc's and a skimmer would be an absolute must for such a small system with such a waste producer.


i had a similar setup with a diy skimmer and wc's. the problem comes from getting sufficient lighting over such a small space at a reasonable cost. (ha! X) ) i think abs spoke of a 35W mh once but i'd doubt the spectrum would be right anyways. hth

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