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Top Shelf Aquatics

Feeding clams, etc during cycle?


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I am cycling a 10gal tank with:


5lbs of CaribSea Aragonite "live" sand

5 lbs live rock


Everything seems to be going fine, I added the live rock after the sand was in a few days and the ammonia shot up and after only about 5 days it has dropped down again but not to 0 yet.


Anyway, my question is:


What should I do about feeding the 4 clams that came attached to the live rock? There are also a couple of what appear to be baby anemones crawling around, plus some tube worms. Can I feed them without messing up the cycle or will they be ok until the cycle is complete?







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Dont feed anything, they will survive the cycle just fine, plus most bottled invert liquid foods are little more then pollution in a bottle IMO.

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