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Cultivated Reef

Start Cycling without light?


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Hi, I am starting a new 10g nano and want to stat setting it up before I get the hood that I ordered. Can I add the LR and LS and start cycling without a light yet? Will this cause a problem if it goes a week like this???

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It varies by person to be honest with you. I, for one, feel it having the light on is not necessary during cycle. However other's disagree citing that "this and this, yada yada" will not survive without it. I tell you now, coraline will survive two weeks without light. I garuntee it. Why? Because I have seen my coraline go 2 months with nothing but ambient room light and return in full force when I added PCs.


Reallisticaly, I would inspect the rock for polyp heads or any other possible hitch hiking corals. If you find some, it'd be a better idea to cycle the rock under a light.

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Thanks everyone, I have it set up now and will be ordering a USA Orbit ((1) 40w Dual Daylight and (1) 40w Dual Actinic ) w/moonlight) on Payday next week...In the meantime, I am going to stick a light from a freshwater tank on top of it just to give it some light- it can't hurt right? Does this light sound ok for a 10g AGA? The hardest part now will be waiting a month....:(

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Nah, i'd hold off on using the temporary light, it's the wrong intensity and the wrong spectrum and you'll just be encouraging microalgae growth during the curing process.


I'd just let it run without any lights over it until after the cure is complete. If you had strong skimming and heavy calcium dosing, you could get away with 2-4 hours of light with your new light hood to preserve the calcarious algaes, but it's still risky as micro-algaes can outcompete them.


Don't worry, calcarious algaes are very tough and will grow back after a few months post-cure.

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I have read 2 views ( on websites) on this. One says to keep lights off during cycling or you get excessive algae - the other says to keep lights on during cycling or you will lose some of the critters on the live rock. So what to do ???

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The most common "critters" that come in on liverock do NOT require light to survive. Coraine aglae, however, does require light. Although, coraline will be ok with no light fo rthe amount of time it takes for the cycle to complete.


In my opinion, using the light on the tank during cycling is just for your enjoyment.

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