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hqi or mogul?


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I was simply wondering if any of you have thoughts regarding the hqi bulbs, on a 20 gallon tank (not a 20 long). Lots of money for both setups but just wondering which is , more bang for the buck so to speak. I noticed some in LFS and the hqi's seem to be a little less hotter than than the moguls. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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I believe HQIs to be better overall performers...by far. Their only disadvantage is that you need to use a UV filtering glass with them to prevent UV burn to your eyes and your critters. According to tests I have seen, the same/similar wattage bulb in HQI puts out twice as much PAR as its equal in mogul. So much is the gain with HQI, that many 250watt HQIs have higher outputs than the same Kelvin bulb in a 400wattMogul!!!

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