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Bob fenner? or Robert M. Fenner...


becaunse im lookign at this, is this the same book your talking about?


And is this the other one you spoke of By John Tullock?


I have my Barns and Noble member card out and my student ID, One good thing about being a student... STUDENT DISCOUNTS!!! w00t tongue.gif


Alsp have you ever heard of The Marine Aquarium Problem Solver: Practical & Expert Advice on Keeping Fish & Invertebrates A friend of mine made that sugestion...

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Conscientious Marine Aquarist and The New Marine Aquarium by Paletta are my #1 reccomendations for newbies and freshwater converts. I started out with them as well. You can get them both at that link for $41.94.


I'm glad you're looking to get a book or two and read as well as search forums vs. jumping right in.


Keep in mind the books don't quite say yes to smaller tanks (CMA does have a section for a small one) but the concepts are the best to learn as well as some of the terminology and stocking guides (NMA has a great one for beginners) etc.


Also I'd check out http://www.wetwebmedia.com and http://wetwebfotos.com/talk/ They are Bob Fenners website and forum. A few other authors (Calfo, StevenPro, etc.) hang out there as well.

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bob..robert m...what's the difference...yep that's the one.


john tullock...that's the other one.


i'd buy one of those, not both b/c they cover very similar material.


if your looking for more then one book i'd also grab Aquarium Corals : Selection, Husbandry, and Natural History by Eric H. Borneman.

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