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Innovative Marine Aquariums

Do I have enough Light?


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I am currently running two 36w 10k daylight and one 36w actinic (combined total 108w) on a 10gl tank. what can I keep in it? anemomes. sps, lps, zoo's, shrooms. etc?

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Imnot an expert but 10.8 watts per gal is a nice amount of lighting, I can definitely tell you that based on your lights you should have no problem with shrooms... I have only 10 watts of light on my tank at the moment and a piece of LR i bought when I first started the tank had a shroom on it and it has done great thus far. I am sure some others that are more knowledgable will come along and help you out.

Good Luck

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I'm not an expert either, but I can regurgitate things that I've read here and elsewhere:


Shrooms, zoos, lps should be quite happy under the lighting that you specify.


I'm not too sure about sps or clams. First and foremost, these creatures need to be kept in a *WELL ESTABLISHED* tank. A few may have had success otherwise, but I would wait until the tank has been set up for a year before diving in. Also, I have read many, many stories of mixed results on keeping sps and clams under PC lighting. Some people have good luck, others watch their specimens die. The only sure-fire way to know that you have the right lighting for sps and clams is to get metal halide lights. Anything else is a gamble.


Best of luck, and maybe somebody who knows more than I do will shoot down my comments.



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