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Top Shelf Aquatics

Diy Hqi Mh


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Has anyone converted a "shop light" fixture that handles the HQI type bulbs into a regular HQI MH setup?


I know it needs a ballast, just wondering if anyone has actally done it.

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It is fairly simple, buy the ballast , and the bulb, getsome extra wire on hand so you can have a long cord on the fixture, Just wire the ballast to either side of the receptacle, and throw your bulb in. The 70 W conversions are more common as that light size seems to be more readily available. Do a search for "Regent" to find a few good threads.

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I've done it, You can check out my set-up (PM if you have any questions, I didn't explain it totaly but You can check out the pics)




KrackerG seems to be the current expert on the regent fixtures and 70watt MH. He help me alot! Check out his threads.





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