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Nano Cube on the way - couple questions


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I have to say this is a fantastic site, lots of great info and helpful people.


I have ordered a Nano Cube, which I intend to keep stock (I'm not looking for opinions on this ;) ) I have kept saltwater tanks since 1991 and even ran the saltwater section of a pet store while in college. At that time corals were for the rich or the insane, but times have changed. I intend to keep a few simple corals, an anenome and the usual cast of characters.


My question is this: I have a small wavemaker from one of my old tanks (two dials an "on" timer and an "off" timer to allow you to set your pulses). I want to attach a second powerhead to this in the tank, but I don't want to turn the thing into a whirlpool. Any suggestions on proper powerhead? How would you set the pulses on the wavemaker? and Lastly, what inverts would do well with this type of water movement?


Thanks everyone, this site helped me pick out this set-up...

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I would suggest two mini jet 606's by Aquarium systems. The reason for that is that you can stick some larger diameter airline tubing on each nozzel, and punch holes in the tube to make spouts that will give you some random currents. Think spray bar.

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Well my Nano Cube got here yesterday from DrsF&S ....I was like a little kid when I saw my package had arrived , but alas , the front of the cube was scratched really bad. Now FedEx has to pick it up and I have to wait AGAIN for the new one to arrive

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Glad they were able to take care of you though. Mine came with a little leak between the "sump" area and the aquarium I had to patch. They are great for the money though...

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I just ordered my Nano Cube yesterday from DrsFoster&Smith. With my order I ordered a 32w PC Smartlite Retrofit kit. They have them on clearance for $39.99. I didn't think about changing the pump. I'll have to check into that. I can't wait to get my cube. This will be my first aquarium. I guess that's why my order got so expensive so quick. $650 later:


- JBJ Nano Cube - $99.99

- Heater - Ebo Jager 50w - $12.95

- Salt - Instant Ocean 50g mix - $9.99

- Refractometer - $99.99

- Test Kits - Salifert Marine Advanced - $69.95

- Extra Lighting - SmartLite 15" Retrofit - $39.99

- Reverse Osmosis/Deionization Unit - Air Water Ice, Typhoon III - $214.00

- Reading - The Conscientious Marine Aquarist by Robert Fenner - $26.95

- Thermometer - Little Time or Temp - $19.99

- Glass Cleaner - Mag Float (acrylic safe medium) - $9.99

- Shipping - $43.00


And I still have to order the TBS 10gallon package - $145.00


Did I miss anything?

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dja, i think you have it covered there. great start!!! best of luck to you.


P.S. you may want to look into a better salt mix, i personally like Oceanic, it is far superior to instant ocean in almost all params.

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