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what exactly is media


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I know people say they have HOB filters but only run media and carbon. What is this stuff? This is what I assume. I have one of those bio bags filled with carbon that I run every once in a while. I do this because I read it keeps the tank looking clear. Which it really does. Is this what "running carbon' means? When I take it out tho, I get little particles floating around which makes me want to put the bio bag back in, but I have also read that this attracts nitrates. So in the end. What is media? How do you run carbon? and what do you suggest be done with my HOB?

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Hi, media is prettymuch anything you put in the HOB, carbon, phosphate sponge, chemi clean, etc.


I run carbon 24-7 but I take it out once a week to wash any crud out of the "media" and bag then put it back in. I run the same carbon for about a month then change it out for fresh stuff.


You can also run a poly pad for a few days to polish the water, that way the carbon dosn't get worn out prematurely.

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The nitrate factory comes from not washing the media and bags off often, often as in once or more a week.

I have never had any high nitrate problems doing this, 3 years and all is good.


Yeah I run carbon 24-7 in the small drawstring media bags about a 1/4 full. Sometimes I run out of carbon and I leave it out for a week or two until I get my lazy but to the store.

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