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Scarecrows nano


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I traded a 120g tank for this last year to maintain my rock and critters until a planned 40B was to be. Well the 40 is ice for a while so I'm gonna focus on this thing for a while.









Nano cube 28g w/ stand

Media basket w/ floss, chaeto, chem-pure elite

Aqua C remora protein skimmer (not yet)



Quad pac fluorescent hood

Planning on going DIY LED very soon



Clownfish (percula)

Six line wrasse


Yashia haze w/ red banded pistol shrimp (ordered)



Red thorny starfish

Fighting conch

Red banded coral shrimp

Skunk cleaner shrimp (planned)

Maxi mini anemone



Various zoas




Nassarius snails x5

Cerith snails x3

Nerite snails x3

Red leg hermits x2

Turbo snail

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Just tested the water parameters

Ammonia- 0

Nitrite- 0

Nitrate- 0


Calibrated my Refractometer and salinity was rather high so I'm in the process slowly bringing that down.


Been shopping for new bulbs for this thing and kinda disappointed in the selection. It has 27w 10.5" compact fluorescents. Anyone have recommendations for good bulbs?

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Yea crappy cell phone plus a fish that never sits still makes it difficult to get a shot of him

Tell me about it :lol:


My iPhone takes good pictures of stationary objects but if I want to take a picture of my flame angel I have to time it for the split seconds where he stops swimming to investigate something in the rocks.

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Mine knows when the camera is out I think. The new additions took to hiding and have yet to come out and be seen for a photo opportunity lol

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Well thus far the new guys are doing well. My banded shrimp is staying hidden most of the time, is this usual of them? When I see them in stores they're usually out and about but mine found a cave and is staying put. I'm worried if he is eating or not, not sure if I should try to target feed him or not at this point.

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Well I been shopping skimmers for this thing and have no clue on what's good and what's junk. Anyone have suggestions or recommendations for a good skimmer?


I have been looking at this one but it seems it would replace my media compartment and I don't want that.



Would this work in one of the pump compartments maybe?

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Added 2 pieces of coral this weekend and to my dismay found out my angel is nipper. Keeps knocking my zoas off the rock...plug and all. Looks like this guy is gonna have to go!


The other situation I have is wanting to run more media than the back compartments will hold with the chaeto, anyone have a HOB filter as a refugium on a nano cube?

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Small update: My angel went back to the LFS today, store gave me a good credit amount for him so I picked up a six line wrasse. He seems to be acclimating well, swimming through the rock and exploring.


Also bought a smaller heater to fit in the back compartment and could nix the 200w that had been in the display.


Rock scape had to be tore out to retrieve the angel, once the water clears up get some new pics up.

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Re-done my rock scape and finally came up with something I'm happy with.


Crappy cell phone pic



The giant white spot on the left is my new turbo snail "turbo ted"...he is huge. Replaced my red thorny star as well last night. Everything in there seems to be coming out more now that the angel is gone.


Added some zoas to:


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Got a new hood today! I received a $100 gift card to my LFS, got up there and found a brand new quad pac fluorescent hood for $75. So I picked that up and a hammer. Loving this new light, having actinics now is awesome.



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I have been, it actually has cleared way up. My tap water is junk...so I'm starting to use a member of my local clubs RO/DI unit to help get this cleared up. I think its mostly dead now...a lot of it is just on the glass now which scrapes right off.

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Very cool scape. Looks like one with depth that probably looks much nicer in person even


Thanks mx, the rocks themselves have a lot little caves along with the ones I've made, my six line loves it.


Oh.... Tap water, huh? :mellow:



tsk tsk tsk


I know, I know! I'm using RO from here on out...shopping for my own very soon. A lot of members of my local club have the airwaterice units, so I'm leaning that way.

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Just realized, I'm sounding rather condescending... :slap:


I do like yer tank.

I like the rockwerk, too. :D


But, you need to either get a Phos. Reactor, get RO, or GTFO.... ;)

This is not a hobby the favors, "the bare minimum."




Edit: RO unit is a good idea. :happy:

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Just realized, I'm sounding rather condescending... :slap:


I do like yer tank.

I like the rockwerk, too. :D


But, you need to either get a Phos. Reactor, get RO, or GTFO.... ;)

This is not a hobby the favors, "the bare minimum."




Edit: RO unit is a good idea. :happy:


Thanks pismo, the next 2 purchases for this thing are gonna be a remora skimmer and the RO unit.

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