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Innovative Marine Aquariums

tiger tail cucumber


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I'm considering coverting my 10 gallon freshwater tank into a nano-reef. Within the past week I've been researching nanos to death as well as looking up online retail suppliers. I found a tampa bay company that offfer aquaculture rock...They offer a package for a 10 gallon nano that includes live rock and sand as wll as a host of invertebrates for a cleanup crew one of them is a tiger tail cucumber. My question is would the cucumber be advisable in a nano? It does have it's advantages as it removes waste byproducts and deterius..But it can also eject toxic substances if disturbed which could be quite toxic in such a small ecosystem. I also plan on adding an anemone would it disturb the cucumber?...And if the cucmber can't be used what other creature is know to remove deterius..Thanks so much for your help!!!

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I would be hesitant to put a cucuber in my 120 gallon. Not only will it eject toxin when disturbed but also if it dies. My experience is the risk outways the benefit especially in a small tank. If you have enough live rock combined with a sump or other filter, you might be able to avoid the live sand all together.

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