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96 watt CSL Retrofit in NANO CUBE


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I know everyone, not another Nano Cube retrofit example, but I don't think anybody has a 96 watt setup yet?:woot: I figure why not add the extra lights; think of all the Acro I could have... :woot: Also too, I just found that the CSL Retrofit lights are on sale for 39 bucks at Foster's and Smith. . I already have one CSL Retofit in my NANO Cube, making the total wattage 56 watts so far, but its not enough for me. Does his Cartman dance. Anyways, I will post pics and final shots along with my setup. Remember I already have the CSL 32 watt retfoit in with the exsisting 24 JBJ lights. I am going to replace the 24 watt and add two more 32 watt CSL'S to the exsisting 32 in there as well. My only fear is if I can cool it off sufficently, my tank right now at full daylight hovers around 79.8 to 80 if I don't open the windows here in NY(then it drops to 78.3 or so) at night it goes back to a cool 77.5 Ok everyone take care. Wish Me Luck!:teehee:

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Ive got the 2 24w pcs' and a32w pc all under the hood.

Temps stay at 76 deg with a cool probe drilled into the side of the tank. Also have 2 60mm fans ducted to draw air from the tops middle vents thru the clear plastic cover then into the duct to the 2 fans .Then out the fan vents . So evap is at a min.

so im at 80w watts total now.



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I am not adding two 24 wat bulbs I am replacing all exsisting bulbs and adding 3 32watt CSL'S to the tank so far I have 56 watts I am going to replace all three if I can. Awesome shots by the way, but I am also going to be doing this all within the confines of the exsisting plastic clear cover. So all 96 watts will be under the original plastic clear cover. Ok take care.


ciao Dave:)

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dont think there going to fit. Especially with tons of heat. Plus it put all the light in the back half of the tank. Let me know how it goes.

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There is room inside the plastic cover, but the heat issue is definately what I'm worried about......still waiting on my shipment of lights but here is pic of the lights so far and as you can see there is plenty of room in the middle for an extra set of lights. Currently I don't have any fans installed but I will as soon as I upgrade to 96 watts probably two Sunon Fans 60x60x25 - 4500RPM - 3-pin - 34.5dbA - 23.5CFM - 12v - Ball Bearing in the back area where there is room for them.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Old Ninety Sixer, here she is, sorry I get too stressed taking apart my tank to take inbetwene photos, but I can explain the whole process really simply.

Step1 Remove plastic cover

Step 2, remove Old JBJ 24 watt lighting and ballast from back of tank.

Step3 Sand off all of the square Pegs located on the sides of the CSL lights (or they wont fit together side by side)

Step 4 Screw in one clasp that comes with CSL light fixture into the middle

Step 5 Pop in all three lights, threading the cables around the sides and underneath the reflector.

Step6 replace plastic cover

Step 7 watch cover slowly warp from too much heat

Step 8 Panic...lol

Step9 buy some Sunon fans and hope they come real soon...lol

Step 10 hope cover doesn't melt off in meantime.


Ok take care guys, and here's your moment of Zen.

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Crazy , that's a lot of PC lighting.


On your next tank. Go MH from the start, you probably woulda save a few $$$.

Coll beans tho. it can be done! try using Lexan from HD, it has a higher melting point that most plastics used in items like that.

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wow, at that price i think i'll add a CSL 32W to my stock JBJ...was it that hard to fit it in the nano cube? i just noticed that the CSL is listed at 15" and the nano at 13.8" of course i see them in there..did you have to do anything to make them fit long ways?

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I added the csl 32 to mine, it fits just barely with the plug attached, but it definitely fits.

I had some melting problems with the shield that comes with the cube, so I bought some lexan at HD, like birdman said, and use that as a cover resting on the inside lip of the tank. It works fine, never even gets hot...

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Lexan might be a good idea, but its not melting only warping, I know thats a danger waiting to happen, but for now, I have to back off from tank expenses since I just bought a RBTA for 80 bucks..lol Its beautiful and enjoying my new lights. If I see any more noticble warping I will definately replace with lexan, but I have to see what my new Sunon fans will do, they move a large CF of air per min. For Jtsam, they bulbs are not 15 long, they are talking about the reflector (also know as the kit) the bulb is exactly the same length as the JBJ one. Meloco are you saying you have the same 96 watt setup or saying you have a 56 watt setup(1 32 csl and 24 jbj together)?? If so I never even seen the tiniest bit of heat expansion or warping under that setup(56watt) which I had ruinning for over 1 month n 1/2 . MY warping only started with this setup. Well Birdman your absolutely right again, what I really should have done was rip the hood off, and buy an MH pendant for around 120 bucks and just go from there...lol Oh well you live and learn, hey 96 watts of pc is unqiue if nothing else lol Anyways when you first start out you never realise how important the mights are, you think you can "just get by" but the reality is to have optimal conditions you need very strong lighting and good water changes. Ok take care n good luckB)

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Do you have the specs onyour lexan cover, I'm a bit worried I won't be able to get it on right or cut it to the correct size spec, etc.... If you have any info please share. thanks

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Hey man, i didn't say you should change this, I am just recommending it for the next tank ;)

My work nano is a 130W of PC power :D


also, I recently saw mattgecko's (member here) website has nanocube hoods now.. His craftmanship is top notch.

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NOOOOOOO!!!!! i just ordered the retro fit kit from Foster's and Smith and they called me to say that they discontinued it!!! does anyone know if i can get it from somewhere else??

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That sucks dude, but try saltyfish.com or petco online or any of the other online sites. Ok good luck. Maybe I got the last few...winks..j/k :blush:

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sweet, i found it on marinedepot.com. a little more pricey at 49.95 a pop, but i suppose some companies go lower when they are about to discontinue a product!!! haha, well thanks guys

ditchplains, any updates on how your new many mods jammed into a hood is doing? i'm curious because i might add two 32 wats on top of my stock but i'm a bit concerned about the heat issues and the whole warping thing...no fun

do you think it's helped your coral growth much? been able to keep any new types, big change in brightness (or glow of corals)?

i'm curious....hmmm???

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Yes, absolutely my corals have shown improved growth and affection for the new light. My Bali Slimer (hard coral) loves it and has grown and encrusted its area very quickly since new light. My leathers open up longer and look more colorful. I just aded a RBTA and its loving it as well. So all in all a good deal. As far as warping is concerned yes there is, but no melting. I will take the warping til my Sunon Fans come in this week. Damn its taking forever!...LOL Anyways get yourself some heavy duty Sunon fans moving a lot of CF 's of air per min first and youc an avoid my problem entirely. Let me know how the Ol '88er goes. Personally since the Great Outdoors (movie with John Candy Dan Akroid) I prefer the Ol'96er...hehe Then again I sold my 24 watt JBJ to a friend for 20 bucks, thre in some rubble too (only for a friend..lol) ok good luck:woot:

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Let me know if anyone is interested in my CSL 32w retrofit kit. I was going to send it back to Drs. S&F because I couldn't figure out how to get it to fit, but if someone can put it to good use, I'd rather sell it to them. I also sent an e-mail to JBJ asking them if they will have any lighting upgrades available for the nano cube and they replied with:


"Hello David,

thank you for your email. We are working on an upgrade hood that will house (2) 24 watt lamps and built in CPU fans to alleviate heat in the canopy. This upgrade hood will be available separately so owners of the original model can simply "pop" off the old hood and "pop" in the new hood.


We expect to release this hood in 2 months.




You will learn why the CSL Smartlite retrofit kits are becoming difficult to find if you visit

Custom Sea Life, Inc.

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haha, great man, that sounds awesome. well, i just got in my new lights and right now i'm attempting to take off the hood...i cant seem to figure it out, any tricks? i'm afraid i'm gonna break those little pegs

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The tricks are to sand off those square knobs on the ends of the CSL's so they will all fit under the hood. Basically, everything else is simple, just take the hood off, and drill holes for the clasps to hold the lights inplace after bending out the stock reflector. Make sure to buy some powerful fans I suggest some Sunons that move a lot of CF of air per min. Ok good luck man!

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I'd forget pulling the hood off, everyone keeps saying its easy and just insert a screw driver and pull the hood backwards as you push in or out the pegs, its all bull#### in my opinion! My hood is hooked on like a T with two parallel pegs on either side so there is no way to just push it back and pop it off as they say. I don't know if JBJ made a different model number and thats what I got, but I never took my hood off throughout my entire project, I just slide the cardboard that came with the CSL in box form and straightened it out so no screws or parts could fall into the tank. My gf helped me put the hood on, with a little bit of honey, "hold here," lol... ok good lux

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