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Don't piss off Mr. A..... He's mah freind. :D


MrAnderson got pissed. mmcguffi and I were fighting in the lounge.

Were you fighting like this....



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That torch is hot. B)


They had teeny tiny Chromis at the LFS, like <.5" you need that.


Half an inch? That's like a fingernail length! That's small.

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They had like 15 of them. They were so adorable!


They also had this:




But after some quick instore research on my phone I found out they aren't exactly reef safe, prefer brackish water, and need a place to get our of the water. It was only $5 though, hard to resist!

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Half an inch? That's like a fingernail length! That's small.

That's what I want....



So, they'll school together, be small, and have ZERO aggression.


Did I mention it'd be awesome! omgomgomgB)

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I would offer to ship them to you but I wouldn't buy fish from them, and fish that small I'm not sure how well they would ship at that size.


And I'm sure your LFS will get them really soon. They aren't exactly something rare. :P

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My lfs normally get's 10-15 of them, around 3/4" in size.

So, that's what I have to deal with...



Bah... I want a fiddler sooo bad.... :lol:




Tron likes!



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If I give up on acro, I'll build that platform out of the water like a little peak and get one B)

Acro's are a pita... They really are.

They're pretty, but a pita nonetheless. :lol:




this. i want

Only cost $25... :lockdown:

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