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white spots, not pods


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I gotta go.. don't have time to search right now, but I have white spots on the back of my tank and some on the rocks.. It's kinda like when you get salt water on the outside of your tank and it drys and ya wipe it off and most of it comes off leaving a ring then ya rub harder and it goes away.. well thats what it looks like but on the inside.. I ran the mag float over it and it leaves a ring where it was.. just curious what it is and if it's bad.. thanks for any help..

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If you look closely, I will bet that they will look like tiny spirals. If this is the case, they are a type of tubeworm that builds a calcium tube. They are a sign that the tank is doing OK.

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that or corraline algae..I'm starting to get the same thing, little white dots right? Watch it, maybe it will turn purple..

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