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lighting question


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I was wondering, I f I took a 36w jalli hood that's about 23" and added a no flourescent bulb, would this be enough to keep some low light corals:zoos,mushrooms,polyps. all responses appreciated

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You dont wana use NO fluorescents they'll just help nuisance algae grow in your tank. Look into a 10k or 50/50 with actinic.

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Thanks refer buddha, I was thinking of using 36w of 50/50 and using the 15w as an actinic to supplement, or do you think it would be better to try and add a another pc in the hood

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if you already have a separate actinic bulb then adding a 50/50 doesnt make a lot of sense because then you have 2 actinics to 1 10k. Id go with a full 10k 36w and then just add in the actinic.

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Thanks do you think it would be better to go with a 10k 36w pc and add two 13wblue actinic pc instead, I am trying to simulate a deep water look

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In fact, this is the setup I am thinking of going with:

10g aga

jalli 23" light fixture w/36w 10k and 26w blue actinic

prism hob skimmer

maxijet 606 ph

10lbs ls

15lbs lr

5 blue legs

5 red leg hermits

2 cerith snails

2 nassarius snails

1 cleaner shrimp

1 false perc clown




what do you think?

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i think youre in the right area. 70-100w on a 10g is good and you can keep a variety of corals under those lights.

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But do I really need all of that light If I only want shrooms and zoos, or can I get away with using a 36w 50/50

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Originally posted by Reefer_Buddha

You dont wana use NO fluorescents they'll just help nuisance algae grow in your tank. Look into a 10k or 50/50 with actinic.


That doesnt make sense, youre comparing output type with color temp ratings. You CAN buy NO bulbs in 10k, 50/50, and Actinic 03, though the wattage isnt too spectacular (15 watts for an 18 inch bulb). It's probably enough for zoos and most shrooms, however.

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a simple 32 w retro will work dandy for zoos and shrooms over a tank shallower thatn 12 inches....

and yes, output is not associated with color temp....

Output is related to the wattage....

Color temp is related to the wavelengths of light emitted....

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