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Need info on my Tank and my possible setup.


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I just bought a 12 gal Jalli bow front tank from LFS. It came with a 36w PC 50/50 setup. I was wondering if anyone knew what is the output of this bulb?


My plans are to get 1-1.5 lbs of argonite LS and 1 lbs of LR (not too sure what to get, don't know much about LR). I'm debating on getting the Skilter 250 or an Aquaclear mini for the filtration (only using a foam block inside). Sorry, I know this is long....


I would like to get some LPS's and some soft corals that I saw a website http://www.acmereef.com/ but I'm not too sure how much I can put (any suggestions?). Oh...and instead of a hang on the back, I was thinking of just making a divider wall on the back of the tank inside, and just adding some miracle mud w/ caluerpa. Oh would caluerpa be bad inside of the tank?


I don't know if this sounds too much. I'm new to this and I'm trying to read as many post and articles as possible. You guys have really great tanks, and I really admire the amount of dedication you all have placed on them, and the amount of help you can give to newbies like myself.



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I would suggest getting an aquaclear 500 for filter/refugium and as well as hosting 50w heater. 36w pc for 12gal probably good enought for softies. If you want to keep LPS you may consider adding another 36w. HTH

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i think 36 watts is enough for some lps in a 12. i aggree, use an AC 500 for a hang on refugium type thing. it will allow you more in-tank realastate and add to the total tank volume. plus it gives you an extra source of flow and current.

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don't get the skilter. i have one skilter 250 and three prizms. the skilter's afraid to show its face.


that's sufficient light for softies but i would say a little light for lps. the others may split on that.


caulerpa's fine as long as you remember to trim it back. the miracle mud i'm more cynical on but lots of people say it's great. i think it's great marketing but that doesn't necessarily mean it's a bad product though.


the substrate is divided along camps as well. although LS does provide good biodiversity you could just save your money and get regular aragonite sand and let it seed from some choice LR you cherry pick from your lfs.


give your tank time to settle in and mature (minimum two months for lps). others here might even bash me for that but i just saw i guy want to add shrimp on day SIX! whatever. welcome to the hobby and say good bye to your money! :P

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doesnt anybody see a problem here....1-1.5 pounds of rock is not nearly enough. well i guess if you arent planning on having any fish or anything. i would recommend a minumum of 10-15 pounds. the rock is your main filtration in a tank like this and your tank will suffer with the lack of bio diversity in your aquarium with only 2-3 pounds total media between rock and sand. invest in some good quality rock and you can forget about the ls and just use aragonite to save money.

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Well, I wouldn't *forget* about the LS, but it seems there are LOTS of nanophiles in San Diego -- at least one of them would be likely to donate a cup of active live sand for your new tank....

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i totally didn't even notice that. good pickup. one pound might be a little light but kimura may have a very special unique one piece of LR in mind. X)


see kimura, i told you there's a schism in the sand castle. :P

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Sorry about that, I meant 1-1.5 lbs per gallon of LS. But I'll take everyones advice and Let the LR seed it for me. I won't be adding anything in it for 2-3 months, I'll probably load it with softies and maybe an LPS.


Good catch SLOreefer.

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