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Blue's 15 Gallon Cube - Lots of Pictures!


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Hey guys so I never posted this tank but I have a ton a pictures of it throughout the build. I have to say its a little unorthodox from everything I have put together in the past but I love it.


Lets start with some background on the two Clowns that call it home. They were dropped off at the front door by a guy who had to move very quickly due to work, so there I was going where do I put you two. At the time i Had a 30g with a 10g sump that was very crowded so the sump was out of the question. They spent the next 3 weeks living in a bucket with an aqua clear 20 and a small pond pump and some rocks. After tracking down something suitable for them I started on the aquascaping, I dried out two larger pieces of live rock and got a bunch of marco rubble and started creating, In the end I added a freshwater ornament to it and I think it looks awesome.

First day in the bucket, he was right at the top checking things out and she would not come out for anything




The aquascaping, sorry about the quality I was using my phone at the time.







Here it is in the tank about a month in. Coraline growing and the rock is colouring up







this is the tank right before its big move over to the 15gallon cube that they are in today





AND NOW! the 15 gallon that they are in today. The rock work they had didn't leave much room for coral or swimming, this tank is just under double the bow front they had and IMO much better for them, and much more ascetically pleasing.


Two Aquaclear Hangon Filters (200 and 20)

50g Heater

Small Pond pump

Current USA Nova Extreme Pro 21" Fixture













Thats all for today, but there are a new things to come in the next week. I have a very nice brain on its way and possibly a new tank make or two for these guys


Let me know what you think!

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Super cool how you integrated that column thing into your rock structure. What lighting are you using?



Thanks I love it, I think it gives the tank some character. Overtop of it right now is a Current USA Nova Extreme Pro 21" Fixture running stock bulb configurations of 3 12k white and 3 blue actinic

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  • 1 month later...

I am wanting to put a BTA in a 15g i have for my 2 clowns and a HOB but was not sure if i could maintain water quality. How are you doing in that department and how is your BTA?

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I think a lot of people will think the columns are tacky ... but I actually really like them too! Nice looking tank, prefer teh cube to the curved.

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I usually don't like decor, but you have blended it in very nicely with your aquascape, and you have succeeded at pulling it off.


Great job, great tank.

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