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snail death??


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i've had my tank running for a while(jbj nano) and finally started with the cleanup crew. hermits are fine, but i cant get astrea snails to survive........levels are normal..........but i do have a cyano problem...............any ideas as to why the snails die, but hermits live(i have tried to introduce snails twice already)



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My LFS told me not to put any snails into the tank until the brown algae was gone...it is supposed to be poisonous to the snails. I also read this on reef central. I waited to add my snails and I have had only one snail death due to some mean hermits killing it.


Wait until the diatoms are gone...be patient and wait

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  • 2 weeks later...

Ask your local store when a new shipment is coming in. I had the same problem with emerald green crabs. I bought one the same day it came in and it has survived for six months. It could just be lack of food and time that causes them to die prematurely.

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