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New 10 gallon setup


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I am new to nano reefs but have been reading up on this subject ALOT. I have had FOWLR tanks before but never took on the endeavor of a reef system. Does this following setup look okay or does anyone have any suggestions?


-10 gallon tank

-Aquaclear 150 w/foam block and chemipure

-Power Sweep 214 (160 gph) powerhead for current

-Ebo Jager 50 watt heater

-Current USA Orbit lighting system (has 1 - 40w 10000K light, 1 - 40w acitinic light and a moonlight


I plan to add about 12 lbs. of live rock and 12 lbs. of live sand as well. I did not have a skimmer on my list because I plan to do weekly 1 gallon water changes using RO water. Any suggestions on brands of salt mix? I was thinking of Tropic Marin. I also did not plan on using any supplements because of the weekly water changes. I also thought about hooking the power head to a timer to be on for 30 sec. than off for about 20 sec.


Looking forward to any constructive criticism.


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ditch the power sweep, there crap.


other then that , looks good to me. oh, and for salt mix, i use whatever is cheapest, as long as its not morton's you'll be okay.

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i disagree with phenom5 suggestion with the power sweep. i have been using them for 3 years and am very happy with the results. a lot of people here and anywhere you go will have different opinions on what is the best. just go with what works for you. and as far as salt mixes go you really don't want to go with the cheapest but go with what works. instant ocean is a very good brand and so is tropic marine. i have used both though i am happier with instant ocean. some companies offer salt that has high numbers of phosphates and such that you really don't want to add to your tank. my advice would be to take everything you hear with a grain of salt and research all of it. like i said you will find what works best with you.

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and as far as a skimmer goes...as long as you stay on top of your water changes then your good to go. but i always recommend a skimmer regardless. even though you do weekly water changes you will see that your skimmer(a good one) will pull out still a lot of gunk. you'll be surprised.

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Thanks phenom and drew. Does anyone think I need additional surface agitation or will the aquaclear filter take care of that ok?

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i agree with drew, take everything with a grain of salt. i guess i'll rephrase what i said. IME power sweeps are junk, but i also had a rio on an old tank that lasted for years...so what ever you can make work, go for it.

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Do you mean run a second powerhead Phenom5? Possibly alternating flows with 2 powerheads on a timer?



not sure how much flow the aquaclear provides. IMHO i would run the aquaclear and 1 powerhead. a wave timer is optional, not needed, but a nice addition that your fish and corals will enjoy...

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on my eclipse12, i run an aquaclear200, a powersweep 214, and a rio 180. i'm one of those people that believes you can't have enough turbulence. two powerheads and a hob all put in the right places makes for some cool random currents. the fish or the corals don't seem to mind at all.

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I was thinking of going with the package of live rock and clean up crew from Tampa Bay Saltwater :




They send you some live rock to begin your cycle then send you the rest of the live rock and clean up crew after your tank cycles. Their "recipe" for success is the following


10 lbs. live sand

20 lbs. live rock

20 - Blue leg hermits

5 - Turbo snails

1 - brittle star

1 - Tiger tail cucumber

1 - peppermint shrimp


Now I have read that maybe Astrea snails are better for a ten gallon setup because they don't get as big as the turbos. What you all think and has anyone else dealt Tampa Bay Saltwater? I hear very good things about them.

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