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they might be dead :/


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i ordered a 10 gallon quick crew with the refugium add on( i thought it was pods and chaeto) i got all my snails and the pods, but no chaeto. none of the snails have moved in 3 days. they acclimated for about 30 min by floating

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sorry to hear that, send me an email so I can look at the order and take care of it for you, otherwise let me know your name.


Out of curiosity, what is your magnesium level?

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i ordered a 10 gallon quick crew with the refugium add on( i thought it was pods and chaeto) i got all my snails and the pods, but no chaeto. none of the snails have moved in 3 days. they acclimated for about 30 min by floating


From Reefcleaners?


If so I just got a 20 gal crew last Friday and all but the bigger ceriths started moving around almost instanly. You have any hot weather recently?

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sorry to hear that, send me an email so I can look at the order and take care of it for you, otherwise let me know your name.


Out of curiosity, what is your magnesium level?

michael barton is my name. i dont have a mag test but i havent dosed yet. i have two hermits that are alive and well though

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