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Zebra pistol shrimp. Found info.


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Went shopping, should have stayed home. But I bought my first fish, a Yasha gobi, very cute. Seems to be doing well.


I also bought a pair of pistol shrimp, the LFS did not know what kind they are. And no, they are not zebra mantis.



They are very small, barely 1 inch. They have blue pincers, one larger than the other. One of them has only one pincer so I hope it will regenerate the other one at the next molt.


Please help me identify the kind of pistol shrimp this is.


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Get the Candy Stripe Pistol Shrimp, also called Randall's (Alpheus randalli) they match the Yasha's colors almost perfectly, stay small, and are a cool pair, I have a pair


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Get the Candy Stripe Pistol Shrimp, also called Randall's (Alpheus randalli) they match the Yasha's colors almost perfectly, stay small, and are a cool pair, I have a pair



wow! that is beautiful quality video! thanks for sharing :)


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Get the Candy Stripe Pistol Shrimp, also called Randall's (Alpheus randalli) they match the Yasha's colors almost perfectly, stay small, and are a cool pair, I have a pair



Very cute video thanks for sharing and yes on the alpheus randalli.



I agree, stick with the randall's. They'll stay small and won't make a huge mess.



and congrats on your yasha!!


I was going to PM you, "I got a pansy" ha ha



:o Yikes. Classic examply of needing to know what you're buying.


+1 for the randals pistol. I have one with my hifin and hes perfect.


You are 100% right, classic example of an impulse buy (even if I did spend 15 min eye balling each of the 3 things). I went in with the good intention of buying a yasha or dracula and a randalli, I even called ahead. When I saw these guys, I googled from the store, and found nothing. LFS said they are stripe pistols, and will pair with Yasha. Actually he said "All pistols and gobies pair well". There is ONE post about this shrimp in the entire ethos thanks to the Jacob who found it.

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That really sucks. Were you able to return them, or are they already in your tank?


It scares me to even think about the number of times I bought something based solely on the LFSs advice when I first started. Lets just say lots of things were returned.

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That really sucks. Were you able to return them, or are they already in your tank?


It scares me to even think about the number of times I bought something based solely on the LFSs advice when I first started. Lets just say lots of things were returned.


LFS was closed by the time I got a positive ID on the forum so I'm going to call them first thing then try to catch these guys. They are really tiny but I know the rock they are riding inside. Maybe I need a trap?

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Got a heart attack this morning. Yasha was missing. Of course this was after randomly checking the tank all night with a flashlight. I was worried the pistols would eat him, even though they are really tiny too. So I woke up to NO YASHA! Now I'm panicking, and sweating bullets and cursing the pistols. Took me a half and hour before I saw him in the middle chamber in the back of my BC14. Staring up at me from the filter floss going "Miss Kat, your tank scared me". (Ok maybe I had a stroke, lack of blood flow yadee yada)


He's still back there. I threw in a little food and saw him dart around. So should I pull him out or wait till I net the pistols. Which BTW I still have NO information on.


Edit: My BC14 is the newer model which has a high back chamber wall and does not require Stevie T's fish guard. So how did he get in there? Are they random like that or did he run for his life?

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Yasha had to have jumped back there, just lucky that it went into that chamber. I guess that is a safe place as long as he can't get sucked into the return pump.


We have a tiger pistol in our ap12, and he is getting pretty big. Our randall's goby that he was paired with just recently jumped, so we got him a yellow watchman about a week ago; they seem to have paired up nicely.

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