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Got eggs


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Found some eggs today on an acropora branch. Each egg is about 1mm in diameter. My anthias were acting all fussy in that part of aquarium yesterday, but other culprits could be:

- green clown goby pair

- blue mandarin pair

- ocellaris pair

- snails?






Any ideas and input would be greatly appreciated. K thanx. :D

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They don't really look egg-shaped to me, but maybe it's just the picture. For that reason, I wouldn't say it's any kind of fish egg.

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AEFW maybe? they lay their eggs on sps.

Size is way off. Also, there's no AEFW to lay the eggs. And no new corals in the tank.

Are you sure their eggs? They could be polyps like the "brown jelly disease" polyps of LPS corals.

Can't say I'm 100% adamant on them being eggs. But they sure do seem like eggs, 2 small clusters. And they're still there. Brown Jelly Disease "polyps" I've never heard of. In my knowledge BJD needs silicates in water column. Also, nothing like this has appeared on any other coral and all corals have great PE including this specific acropora.


I thing I just wait this out and see what, if anything, comes of it.

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I no longer think of them as eggs. They are more like blisters. Something weird like acro-LPS-hybrid with inflated polyps.

Some of the original "eggs" have deflated and look almost normal whereas in couple other places 2-5 new blisters have appeared. All other SPS seem unaffected by this.

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