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Innovative Marine Aquariums


Builder Anthony

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Builder Anthony

This is in the mail right now i actually thought it was a candy cane coral.Im wondering if anyone here has a Lobophyllia and could offer any advice.Its not a candy cane is it?If it isnt it sure looks like one and i hope it responds the same.


I guess its my last order for corals it was from extreme corals.Its just in time for halloween being orange and stuff.I think its a real nice peice.WHo am i kidden im like biteing my nails to see this thing :)


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Builder Anthony

well he had that Lobophyllia on it so im guessing thats what it is.Is lobo short for Lobophyllia.......are candy canes Lobophyllia?

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I've read that red lobos prefer lower light than others. They also generally prefer low flow and should be fed (shrimp, silversides, etc.) to stay happy. It sounds like they're fairly picky and hard to keep corals in general, with many withering away after a while with no reason. I've heard of them being a really tempting treat for a lot of fish like dwarf angels.. :huh: Beautiful specimen though :)

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Builder Anthony

sounds like you have one.They said on that one webpage there might be tissue recession if water flow only goes one way.I dont really see how that could happen......Any thoughts?


Maybe they have there current to high and its straining the coral?

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I haven't had any trouble keeping lobophyllia. I have mine in moderate light, moderate flow on the sand bed and feed it mysis or other small meaty foods once or twice a week after the lights are on moonlight (it puts out feeding tentacles at night, or any time it senses meaty foods in the water.) You do need good parameters like you would for any stony coral.

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sounds like you have one.They said on that one webpage there might be tissue recession if water flow only goes one way.I dont really see how that could happen......Any thoughts?


Maybe they have there current to high and its straining the coral?

they probably mean direct laminar flow, like a powerhead pointed directly at the coral. any good, random, moderate flow should be fine.


and yes, I have one.



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wow look at this i swear this is the best coral care page ive ever seen i hope they have more stuff in here.



Intrestingly it says one directional water flow may cause tissue ressicon.I guess thats odd.


Wow they do have other corals in there look on the top left.

Thanks, bookmarked.


And amazing looking coral, hope it does well for you.

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they probably mean direct laminar flow, like a powerhead pointed directly at the coral. any good, random, moderate flow should be fine.


and yes, I have one.




I can't look away from it....something about the middle.

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no they are not... candy canes are much easier to maintain

I quess you've never had a lobophyllia? :) Much less finicky than candy canes. Avg to good light and low to moderate flow and you're fine with it.

Looks like Lobophyllia hemprichii and a nice colored too! Mine's green with purple rims.

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i got a 3 headed one of the same color and there pretty easy to keep and you dont need to feed them. mine chill on the side of my tank since the M/H seams to bleach LPS if there right under it, i think Acans and favia are a lot harder to keep then this guys.

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"I quess you've never had a lobophyllia? Much less finicky than candy canes. Avg to good light and low to moderate flow and you're fine with it."




Really easy to take care of coral. I have had mine in high light and low light. Strong flow and low flow and it does fine. In higher light you will lose some color. I just moved it back to sand after a couple months of high light and it quickly regained it's color. They are like most LPS and will have sweepers at night that can sting nearby corals. They are great corals with lots of color. Highly under rated.


Here are a couple of mine









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Builder Anthony

You know that one you have looks real similar to mine under atinics.Is it orange when you look down at it under regular lighting.It be real helpful if you had the same coral.I had my atinics on and it looked like yours but thats the problem with those lights they change stuff all crazy.I just got mine in today and i think one of the heads ate something but im not sure i kind of walked away from the tank.Its puffy though.

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