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I Don't Know Jack..


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Hi, I'm attempting to start a jebo 6 gallon tank as a mini reef system. I've seen other, smaller tanks that seem to be successful and I hope that I can succeed as well. I can't seem to find a light retrofit for the small 12" top, any suggestions? It also has a undergravel filter, but for a tank of its size, should I even use gravel or sand? As you can tell I basically know jack shizzle about making a nano-reef work, although I have done research, most pertain to larger tanks (10 gal. or more) and for tank this small, I'd assume water quality is extremely fragile as is the tank sub-structure.

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First of all, you can succeed at this.


Hmmm... 12", huh? Well, I'm not sure of a retrofit that size exaclty, but I have an Eclipse 6 setup and I was able to install the Custom Sealife (CSL) Supernova 32watt retrofit quite easily. It couldn't be much more than 12" long. And, lots of folks have had success with the CSL PowerQuad (96watts) retrofit though I'm not sure of its dimensions. Do a search on this site for "jebo 6 gallon" or something along those lines and see if there's anyone else out there with a similar tank. What do they use for lighting?


As for the undergravel filter--lose it. I think that a sand bed of a couple inches (or slightly less) would be a fine thing for a 6 gallon, and a loit less hassle than a UGF. I have been successful thus far. Some might suggest going substrate-less. Again, do a search.


Best of luck!



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dude i think you should ditch the undergravel filter and either go with bare bottom or a small amount of sand like 1 inch. Light retrofits are pretty simple and their are quite a few optins for that tank. just depends on if you want it to be pretty or not. Good luck dude!

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Take that undergravel filter and throw it in the trash. Go for a thin layer of substrate - I think no substrate looks pretty fugly.



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