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Innovative Marine Aquariums

Perfect 10?


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I am still in the planning stage of my little reef. But I think I have it, let me know what ya'll (yes I'm from the south) think:

A 10 gal. with a 175w (10,000k bulb) and two CSL 32w pc's (both actinic) with no skimmer/no filter, just a couple of power heads (strategically placed), 15lbs. LR, 15lbs. LS, Acro. humilis, Montipora digitata, Bali Green Slimer Acro., Meatalic Green Polyps, and a clam (Tridacna maxima/Tridacna crocea), two Ocellaris, and a Six-Line Wrasse, a blood shrimp, a few scarlet hermits, and a few snails to finish it off. Oh yea, and an automated DYI top-off system. Let me know if this will work, and if I need to make some changes. As aways any advice will be very helpful.



and [God] said rule over all creatures from the fish in the sea to the bird's in the air (Gen. 1-28)

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Yeah, I agree. It's been done, but I wouldn't.

That's some serious friggin lighting you have planned there :)

Have you kept a reef tank before? If not, you may want to start off with some soft corals before diving right in to SPS and clams. Everything else looks good. Let us know how it goes.

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No I haven't had a reef before ( just been reading up on it for the past 5-7 months). All the research that I have done and people I have talked to don't even come close to the info. I 've gotten from this web site. Congrat's on an excellent information site for nano reefs and reefs in general. I think I will agree with your advice Satchmo and start simple, any recomindations. Yeah, I thought I might be pushing it with the 3 fish. Is there anyway I could keep an anenome for the clowns or would it be a threat to the corals? Keep in touch.



And [God] said rule over all creatures from the fish in the sea to the birds in the air (Gen. 1-28)


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Yeah, this is definitely a great site... lots of very helpful and all-around good people here. Anenomes can be problematic in a nano, and tough to keep. Your clown(s) will be just fine without a host, but if you want one, you can try a torch or a frogspawn. They'll often take to those (mine just did!! Celebratory thread coming in a minute...)


As for recomendations, you really have tons of options.


Star polyps, Xenia, Mushrooms, Zoanthids, Leathers, etc.....


Look around through the members section for some ideas. You can really ditch the halide for now if you want to save $$$. With just 2x36w PC, you can keep any softie you want. You'll also be able to keep the afore-mentioned frogspawn or torch, as well as some hardy SPS like an open brain or something.


You're doing yourself a great service by reading all you can first. Have fun!

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the 175w sounds great for a 10g :) Wait a while so that your water is stable and everything is great before adding any SPS or clams. Sometimes even the slightest flux can lead to the death of a whole colony.

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I am planning on the same lighting for my 10g.But I won't do it for sure. I would say ditch the wrasse. This site is good but reefcentral is better. Don't flame me I am not dissing this site but rc has very experianced aquarists and alot more members.

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you could probably do the two clowns and a small goby. i just got a yello neon goby for my minibow7 to go along with my little ocellaris and my cleaner shrimp. you could run a skimmer and be on the safe side also.

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