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Coral Vue Hydros

Loose Activated Carbon Particles Harmful?


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Long story short, the bag of activated carbon in my HOB filter somehow got ripped and some carbon particles are all over the sand. I manually removed most of the larger particles that were sitting on top of the sand, however, there is still a good amount of smaller carbon particles and carbon dust mixed in with the live sand that I cannot get out. It took me about a hour to get most of it out but in the process of removing I probably mixed the carbon into the sand even more.


Will this be any problem at all for my fish, inverts (CUC), or corals? Any longterm or short term harm done? I am using the cheap API brand carbon which is known to be very "black dusty" and I noticed when collecting some of it form my DT that it would breakdown and disintegrate in my fingers as I picked it up.

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