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nano check list opinions welcome, aquascape ?.

the deacon

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hey everyone I've been researching nanos for a while and think I'm ready to buy live rock and start the cycle. This is a list of my equipment. any imput or ideas are greatly appreciated.



2 aquaglobes (600gph combined)

100w jager heater

2x65w 10000k and ultra actinic custom sea life hood

seachem basic test kit, will get salifert supplimental kits after cycle

oceanic salt

possible skimmer after cycle, any suggestions?

25lbs of fiji live rock soon

20lbs live sand, not sure about what kind yet, I've heard sugar sand is nice but can kick up a sand storm


also any suggestions on substrate depth?


I think thats about it.

I plan to prop the rock up on pvc to help sand critters get to all sand possible.


One last thing, what is the best way to go about setting up the tank. Should I aquascape, add sand, then the water? or add water first then rock and sand?


thanks for all the help

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it all sounds pretty good so far. as far as a good skimmer goes i always recommend the remora c skimmer. it has been very good to me as far as with a lot of others. you can also go with a seaclone. not to high in cost and does pretty well. your substrate should be around 2-3 inches in depth. unless you wanna go with a dsb. either way you set up your tank is fine. as far as your clean up crew goes i personally don't recommend putting them in until your tank has cycled fully. there are others that go ahead and put them in while the tank is cycling. i guess it's up to you whether you think you want them in or not. i can tell you all day long not to put them in at this time but if your mind was set on putting them in you'll do it. but imo i don't recommend it.

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