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Coral Vue Hydros

anemone BTA doesn't have bubble tentacles


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I have bought a anemone BTA last month. The BTA has bubble tentacles in the fish shops and look very beatiful. But, it dose not have bubble shape tentacles now, it becomes long long tentacles. Would anyone can help me how can I make the anemones back to bubble shape ?


Thank you very much!

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I have a feeling that you don't have enough light, and it is reaching up twords what you have. Let me know a little more as far as what kind of water movement and lighting you have.

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sounds to me like your anemone is trying to tell you something. how are all your water parameters? do you have the proper lighting for this animal? how about water movement, what are you using for that? anemones need current. and also what else do you have in your tank? could be that he is suffering from (chemical warfare). either way i hope you read all there is to know about these animals before you went and purchased it.

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Thank you for all reply.


My tank condition is

1 year tank

Size : 18"x12"x15" (width, depth, height)

PH 8.0

Salt - 1.023

Temperature 25 C

NO2=0, NH3=0, NO3=30


1 False Percula Clown

1 blue damsel

1 anemone BTA


Aqua clear 150

2" sand bed and live rock

Light - 18W PC ( 50% blue. 50% white)

no skimmer



Do I need to use more powerful lighting ?


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I am guessing that your tank is around 10 or so gallons...give er take a few because my math sucks. 18 watts is what I have over my 2.5 gallon minibow, and I am about to add another 13 watts just because I want to keep possibly some soft polyp stonies(sps). Your tank being much larger than mine needs about 32 watts or more to be happy. My suggestion is to get a retro kit from www.hellolights.com. Either go with one 65 watt 50/50 bulb., 32 watt 50/50 or 1 96 watt power quad. All of these will do the trick. 18 watts....are you using the coralife hood? Hmm... a picture would be most helpful if you can come up with one.

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You need more powerful light to keep your anemone alive.

Most anemone requires A LOT of light and water flow to be healthy.

18W over your tank is only good for fish only tank.

My suggestion is... well... you are at hong kong.... I can't recommend internet place in US... then use 32w lamps since it is what you can find easily there at hongkong, and it will fit on your tank. You need at least 2 of them to keep your anemone alive. If you can pack 4 of them into your hood, that'll be better choice.

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BTA's are known to not have bubble tips. Take a look over on reefcentral's anemone forum. There is no definate cause for a bta to not 'bubble'. I do agree though, you should at least double that light.

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Thanks for USFnano, SeaSide, Whitten, Drewmd, Ike.

All of your suggestions is very helpful.

I would change the lamp and try to pack 4 into the hood.

Hope BTA can return to bubble tips.

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hkkelvinchoi, quadicolors anemones, like the rose colored you are talking about will have bubble tips and sometimes not, they will stretch out almost like a curly cue for periods of time. I would not get stressed out about it. You will know if your anemone is stressed, he will retract and wander around the tank not wanting to set his foot. But you will not keep this guy alive very long with the wattage you are using. Try putting a piece of PVC at the top of your tank to see if he will set his foot inside and stay topside until you can get some stronger light in the tank. Just a couple of ideas.

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