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Innovative Marine Aquariums

Odd green fingerlike growth, what is it?


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This thing has been growing out of my live rock. It started out about a month ago a little bud, now it's like close to 1/2". What is it? Some type of algae? It's bright green, and has tiny little hairs on it.

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I was just coming on to describe the SAME THING. My camera's macro mode can't seem to get this little critter, but I have EXACTLY the same thing in my tank. I have a nanocube, been running for two weeks. I've got 20# ls, 6# lr, have an xtra PH and a heater. I just saw the little bugger two or three days ago. I have hermits and snails in the tank and they all ignore it (saw a snail slither over it, and it looked like the hairs sucked into it). Mine too is BRIGHT NEON green and looks like it has hair. I also seem to have some brown/red algae that my snails and hermits are eating.




I'll see if I can get a pick too.



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Neomeris annulata


Calcium driven macro algae. Harmless in small numbers, but in larger numbers will deplete calcium from your tank.



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I am adding calcium supplements to my tank currently one teaspon of SeaChem's Reef Plus twice a week, and one teaspoon of SeaChem's Reef Complete twice a week. Will these addtions make this macro algae grow faster, and if it does will it absorb the nutrients that are making the unwanted algae grow?




Thanks in advance,




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