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Innovative Marine Aquariums

Safe magnesium levels for CUC?


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Ive been holding off all summer from ordering - im having a bit of an issue with some GHA and bryopsis in my 37gal. I had raised magnesium to kill bryopsis (which only sort of worked, by keeping it at bay but not completely killing it).

I missed out on a few awesome sales this summer so I've been kicking myself over the high magnesium.

Most of my CUC survived the insanely high mag levels. But acclimation of new specimens had maybe a 50/50 chance of either making it or not.

Anyways, I've been battling to get mag down(currently @ 1600mg/l according to Elos), and will need some cuc members soon and wondering when I might be in the "clear" to attempt purchasing snails/other inverts

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1600 seems safe, the highest we have them reported to us and doing okay still was 1750, I haven't heard of a level where they begin to be affected, but I would imagine it is only a little above that. I would let your mag fall though with time/water changes etc.. try to get it back down to 1200. If you are going to do it anyway, might as well skip stressing the CUC until it gets to more normal levels.

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