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What are these tentacles?


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I noticed these barely visible tentacles on one of my pieces of live rock, they are about an inch long, very fine, and come from a central point that I have yet to see cuz somethines always in the way. There's also a pattern on these things, about every 1/16 inch theres a small brown ball thing on the tentacle. They curl around in the current and sometimes one will "stick" to whatever it hits...any idea what these are?

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Could they be mini bristle starfish? Mine, I can't see the entire starfish- only a tentacle that sticks out of a hole and "waves" at me. They are about the size of a quarter.


However, I don't know what the "small brown thing" on the tentacle could be. That doesn't sound like a starfish.


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I thought maybe it could be some kind of star, but it seems like the central base never moves. I'll take a look at the peanut worms

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ok it's definately some kind of worm, i turned my current off and they came out onto the rocks. Its really weird how they have these really long tenticles coming out of their heads, they look like squid

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Its a Terebellid Polychleate worm. The sticky strands are specialized feading tubules that can streach out to nearly a foot in some cases. The worms lives deep in live rock and it rarely moves from its calcified shelter. Quite Harmless and an Excelent scavenger.


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