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Power sweep, anyone have one in their JBJ ?


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Just wondering if anyone has one of these powerheads in their tank, I just got one today and dont know where to place it. I was hoping it will stir up the dead spots in my tank.

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I've got powersweeps, but not in a JBJ. I've moved mine around over the years as I moved my rock around or added new critters that required different flow. I would probably start it in a back corner, fanning towards the opposite front corner and tilted slightly so the sweep is diagonal. Really, where you put your PHs depends on your rockwork and desire flow, so start with that as a recommendation, see how it works for you, and adjust accordingly.


About every three months, take your powersweep out, run it for about half an hour in a mix of water and vinegar, then take it apart and scrub it carefully with a toothbrush. Preferably one dedicated to the task. If you do that, it should run fine for ages. Most people who complain about whatever kind of powerhead are people who don't take care of their powerheads real well. There are some brands that will run forever with no maintenance, but the more moving parts (like sweeps) the more you have to take care of them.


Good luck and let us know how it goes!



Ratty's Reef

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