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Cultivated Reef



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Is it uncured or cured live rock? How long has it been cycling? What are your ammonia/nitrite/nitrate levels? Are you running lights over the tank? Have you introduced your janitor crew yet (snails, crabs, etc.)?


If you're starting with new live rock, you need to monitor the ammonia/nitrite/nitrate levels to ensure the rock is cycled out properly in your tank before you can add corals. All of those substances should read zero before you're ready for corals.


I'd run your lights sparingly, 4-6 hours a day MAX until your tank cycles out. Use an appliance timer to turn your lights on and off so you don't "forget" and accidentally leave the lights on longer than necessary. Running strong lighting with uncured LR is just begging for a problem algae bloom. Adding kalkwasser or calcium suppliments daily and running a skimmer with new live rock is a must. There's a lot of die off during the shipping process and by running the skimmer, you can remove a lot of gunk before it has a chance to foul in your tank.


Read up in the FAQ section about how to properly monitor your tank and new LR. This is well worn territory and there's too much info to put in one little post, so read up!

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