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Coral Vue Hydros

Weird Zoa?


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I purchased a small zoa frag the other day and noticed that there is one member of the colony that doesn't look right. At first, I thought it was dying but it just seems to be different. When the colony closes up in the moonlight, this one stays open, it just looks odd. I'm new to corals so I'm not sure if this is a good or bad thing to have. Can someone please ID and let me know what I should do? Thanks in advance!



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Maybe it is growing/dying? I recently cut a mushroom off of a frag and the base grew into another mushroom. While it was growing though it started off translucent, then white, and is now coloring up but all the time it had the shape of a mushroom. Maybe it is like that?

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That's a palythoa. Similar to zoanthids. I would watch it to make sure it won't smother the zoas over time.


And everything looks healthy. :)

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Thanks everyone. Figured it was either something similar since it looks like part of the colony only taller, bigger and not as nice looking. Was just worried since some weeds that grow in the yard mimic foliage that grows near them, I was worried it was some kind of unwanted growth.


If I want to remove it, do I just cut it off at the base?


Re: Euphyllia, I wish everything was healthy...selective photo cropping ; )

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yeah, just cut it off at the base.


toss it or stick it on a plug w/ superglue and see if it'll grow. I've fragged zoas no problems.. but palys seem to be harder to glue down because of the layer of slime they secrete.


careful when cutting and handling the zoa and paly as they can secrete poison. so to be safe, rinse with some tank water before putting it back into the tank and wash your hands. (i usually don't rinse as i suggested and nothing bad has happened. i do always wash my hands after.)

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