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M*@^# F&^@*% !!!!!!!!!


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@W#$(*&@(*#&$(*#& !!!!!! Bad day. In attempt to get the damsels out of my tank, i was forced to take out all the rock to catch them. After catching them, I had to put back in all the rock and it didn't fit like it use to ! I even broke off some of my SPS frags in the process. The pink monti was broken in half and the red milli was broken off the rock but it will be superglued back. After that, when puttin back on the skimmer it tipped on something and the collection cup spilled ! Now the water is all cloudy and i'm waiting for it to clear before puttin in the clown pair I just bought. Hopefully this won't cause much stress on the SPS and lead to RTN. >=I


For the good news, yesterday was cool, we had frag trading. I got a couple new things like zoos, a leather, and a pavona frag. Also, I got this Hamilton 250w HQI pendent ! I also bought a potential clown pair from AC. Another good news is that after trying to rearrange my rocks as they were before, i seem to have more horizontal space ! that means more frag room :D


Here's a pic, all the corals are closed up right now (although it dosen't look cloudy but it is):



im also tinkerin around with my new digi cam :P

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Sorry to hear about the bad news. Glad to hear about the good news. :P


Wow a 250w MH on a nano...yum yum...

In my hands that tank would a full of clams... :


Any problems with overheating? How are you resolving this if it is?

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Thx everyone. heh, i only have 1 clam in the tank right now. I have had no problems with heat. Always stays below 80 with my old lighting set-up (250w mogul 10k). The light u see on the tank right now is only actinic from my old lighting since I sold the ballast and bulb. The 250w HQI is going to be on the tank after everything clears up and everything is back to normal so the bright lights won't stress the livestock even more. That humilis on the left is temporary by the way. I'll be sure to get more pics and close ups on all the corals once everything is back to noraml. ;)

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How can you have a bad day with an end result like that picture? I really like the lights, is there anywhere on the web I can go and check some out. I tried the Hamilton page but I can't find any.

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Damn! I feel for you, I have had stuff like that happen to me to! Usually when beer is consumed before working on the tank....Thats the only time I feel like cleaning filters!

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hey Nano,


Wanna take out some aggression? You can come over and help me hunt down a couple o' peppermints! Little bastards wiped out two Monti frags... Well the big one did... the other is just plain guilty by association,


Got cocktail sauce!? Muhahaha

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I let my uncle take back the humilis to free up some space but it started bleaching in his tank so now it's back at my tank for revival.


glazer, your peppermint was eating your SPS coral ? hmm...gives me second thoughts bout the new peppermint i just put in (it's in one of the floating bags).

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Nano-reefer....all peppermints are occasionally good for, is getting rid of aiptasia. As soon as the aiptasia were gone in my 20L, the peppermints started eating my ricordia. I had to remove the ricordia and put it in my 7g. I am in the process of trying to catch all the bastards now, without destroying my tank as is.




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o well, if i ever run into any problems with my peppermint i'll just use a trap to get em out.


Ok, i just took some new pics. Omg ! after about a week without metal halide lighting all my SPS corals have browned out. :( Now i gotta wait for like a month until they get all their colors back. Here's the pics with the new 250w HQI and a little bit after the sand storm.


Here's a full tank pic, notice all the browned out SPS corals :*( . I also gotta raise up the lighting when I build a hood to it can have a wider spread. When it's in the hood i'll also be puttin in some actinic to give it more blue.



The green tree about 90% open



The new frogspawn :)



My cheap $15 crocea (not the best but hey, it's my first :) )


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And a couple pics of the formosa with the piece of millepora that broke off (on the right side). On the top left side is the acro youngei (green bali slimer) and a tad below that is the pavona frag cal3v traded me. On the bottom left are montipora digitata and cap that were green. And right above the formosa is my acro secale that was a beautiful purple with neon green tips :*(


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Hey that crocea looks awesome!

I bet it looks way better when viewed from above. Any chance of pics of top view?


--Dont drop the camera in the water though. :P j/k

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hey nano..what a nice looking tank now..what a difference on the new light..not trying to bud in the thread..but i STILL haven't recieve my MH shipments yet!!! AHHH..i am so bummed...my poor sps frags..they have been suffering with only my 2 x 96W PC....and my clam too...sight..hope it will come soon...

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5-8 days they say : Don't worry, my SPS went for about a week without MH's (that's y they're so brown :( ) .I know a guy who's had his SPS under NO's for 3 months. Took him a long time to aclimate them back to the higher lighting and regain their color.

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you know,

If they break by mistake (I'm a poet)

You are moraly obligated to trade the breakage away :)

no really it's a rule :)


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VERY nice - what's the colour temperature of the bulb?


Also wondering what your room temperature is to not have a heat problem.


Nice to see it looking good after what sounded like a difficult couple of days

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Hey nanoreefer53, try and take a pic of the clam from above. They look awesome this way. Here is mine. It looks bright purple/blue from the side, but its blue from the top. My room has gotten to over 100F (no AC, cheap: ) but with a fan blowing directly at the surface of my tank, I can keep it and it not go over 84. Sounds crazy, but it works. Although I am evaporating like a gallon and a half to two gallons a day...

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Wow, I finally get to see a good pic of your tank nanoreefer. Congrats on your new light too. Looks really good. Try to post a pic of your clam from the top as you know there is a big difference in how they look. Look at the difference in my crocea





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yrureefing, I believe you were talking to me and not nanoreefer53? Not sure, I think I mentioned the whole over 100 in the room thing. Anyways, if you weren't talking to me, too bad. j/k Actually the reason I can survive is because filipinos are a tropical people and we can take the heat :P

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No problem. Actually when it gets that hot in my room I go downstairs, or heck I just go to the mall. My room is upstairs and has like a south facing window, so its basically the hottest room in the house. : Life is great isn't it? :P

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My tank is downstairs so it stays relatively cool. My temp on the tank never goes above 80 degrees due to the fat 4" 65cfm fan blowing across the top. I get around 1/2 to 3/4 gallon of evap a day.

Originally posted by JIM27

Wow, I finally get to see a good pic of your tank nanoreefer.

yea, i just got a new digi cam (Canon A40) cheap so i'm still tinkerin around with the fuctions. bleh ! i think the tank looks colorless right now though since everything turned brown. X)


well, my clam was $15 so as they say, u get what u pay for ;) after the clam disease that's goin around stops, i wanna pick me up a nice ultra maxima....if i got the dough :P

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