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Innovative Marine Aquariums

╰☆╮ MauiMizu's Nano Reef ╰☆╮


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***UPDATED 8/7/11***










Aqua-C Remora Protein Skimmer

Hagen 24" GLO T5 HO

AquaClear 70 fuge mod - to be replaced in the future...

Aqueon 100 Watt Heater

Aqueon Circulation Pump 500 gph - to be replaced in the future...




Ocellaris Clownfish

Snowflake Clownfish

Indigo Dottyback




Skunk Cleaner Shrimp

2 Bumblebee Snails


None yet




Green Star Polyp


Live Rock:


22 Pounds


All of that will be going in the sump once I am finished with it. That is my current project. I have live rock and two fish in a 20 Gallon High at the moment, but they will be moved over once the new setup is complete.



Here is a quick look at my current DIY Aquaclear Fuge mod:



I have a new Aqueon 100 Watt Heater, an Aquaclear 70 I have converted into 'fuge. I put Chaeto and charcoal in the compartment I created. Here's some pics of the modded Aquaclear. I finished applying the silicone last night, so it has been sitting out drying since last night:




Inside of the AC70:




ust for kicks for now, I'll throw in a pic of my SeaClear 50 gallon tank (freshwater). I talked a little bit about it in my introduction thread.




That's it for now!

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Seem like a good idea and may come together pretty well. Why the single T5 unit for lighting? You could get many other options for the same price that are better. You could even do a Viper clip on MH for like $125 and that would be amazing for an open top type set up. Just food for thought.

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i would get a different t5 fixture and a different skimmer.


for t5, at least 2 bulbs for a reef, 4 is better

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Seem like a good idea and may come together pretty well. Why the single T5 unit for lighting? You could get many other options for the same price that are better. You could even do a Viper clip on MH for like $125 and that would be amazing for an open top type set up. Just food for thought.


Thanks. =)


I saw the Viper clip in the store when I bought the Hagen GLO. I was considering it, but ultimately went with the GLO for these reasons:


1. The AC70 was going to be attached to the back of the tank and I didn't want to add anymore weight/stress to the back panel beyond that since it is rimless. Also, the light for the AC70 fuge is a smaller 15 watt LED that clips on the filter. If I center the AC70 with its light and then have the GLO in front of that, it'll have the appearance of a clip on light already. The GLO also attaches to the side panels, which distributes weight better. This will make more sense once I get a picture of the filter/2 lights up while they are on the tank.


2. I have heard bad things about the Viper clip on getting too hot, burning out too quickly, and bulbs being expensive to replace. Kind of steered me away from that option.


3. I eventually want to attach another GLO unit for a lunar setting. Two GLOs side by side taking turns on/off will look better aesthetically than two vipers clipped to the back with the AC70 and light as well.


I will definitely concede that a rimless tank with a clip on light looks good, though. If my tank were drilled and had nothing else on the back panel I would consider it.

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i would get a different t5 fixture and a different skimmer.


for t5, at least 2 bulbs for a reef, 4 is better


Have you heard bad things about that skimmer? Some nano tanks do not have skimmers at all, so I thought a small one would just be an added perk, but not essential.

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A lot has changed since I last posted.


I swapped out the turtle tank for a 20 gallon tall. I really didn't like the look of the stand with the plywood base. It was pretty nasty. I didn't want to buy the stand for the turtle tank, as that would be far more expensive than returning the tank and getting a 20 gallon instead. Also, I wasn't sure if the Exo Terra Turtle Terrarium stand would hold a full tank of water. Anyways, it was a pain since I had used Krylon Fusion on the back of the turtle tank and it had since dried. I spent an entire night scrapping that off.


Anyways, I bought an Aqueon 20 gallon tall and painted the back black much like I had the turtle tank:




I let it dry and then set the equipment up and filled it with Argonite:




(It looks much better on the stand now than the turtle tank!)


Next, I filled it with a saltwater mix I had prepared earlier:




Finally, I turned the thing on. I attached an Oceanic Hydrometer into the future refugium of the AC70. Is it a good place for it? I have yet to add the protein skimmer or chaeto.


Anyways, it's been running with just water so far since this weekend. That's all for now! :P


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Well, the Oceanic Hydrometer is officially a piece of junk. It doesn't take a reading unless there is flow going through it - and even then the needle jumps everywhere. I put it 6 inches below the tank rim and let it sit there for a day and it wasn't reading anything. This was in a spot with low flow, too.


So, being as I bought a 50 gallon bag of IO Reef Crystals, I began the very unscientific process of looking at how much I had left versus what I had put into the tank already. I also tasted the water at one point by dipping my finger into it. It tasted way too diluted for what I remember the ocean tasting like, so I added more salt until it was right. Yes, quite weird...


Anyways! Once the salt had dissolved and things were beginning to clear up, I added 7 pounds of Fiji LR. Since I'm now going for an Indo-Pacific Biotope instead of just Maui (that turned out to be a little too difficult and my fiance wants a clownfish baaaad at some point) I let it run awhile.


Oh, and I bought a Fu Manchu Lionfish that I cunningly named Fu and stuck him/her in the tank as well. Here are pictures (real pictures, no cell phone pics!).






Fu can be seen upon a close up. The tank cleared up far more today as I was shifting sand around when I put in the LR:




Fu's close-up:




Another shot of Fu:




So yeah, he's a really bright guy. I brought home two live ghost shrimp with me as well as a package of frozen krill. I released the ghost shrimp into the tank 10 minutes after he had been free of sitting in his bag for two hours as he got used to the tank. He ate both within seconds. I was also given a skewer from the LFS I got him from and they said he eats frozen just fine. In fact, they commented he eats like a hog. If his ghost shrimp performance was any hint of that... well, I believe it. He's very happy being alone for now, but I need to get him more LR and some cleaners this weekend.


What are some good Indo-Pacific cleaners for a 20g? Anyone know?

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Did you add the live rock and the fu manchu together? Also if your lion gets big you wont be able to get a clownfish..

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Have you heard bad things about that skimmer? Some nano tanks do not have skimmers at all, so I thought a small one would just be an added perk, but not essential.


The skimmer is junk. For around the same price you could get the aquaticlife115 which actually works.Take the BC skimmer back if you can.You are correct that a skimmer is not essential for a nano but if your going to buy one then get one that works.


You need a reliable instrument to meausure your salinity.That is essential for any size tank.

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Did you add the live rock and the fu manchu together? Also if your lion gets big you wont be able to get a clownfish..


I put the rock in first, then I put in the Fu Manchu. I spoke to two different local LFS and they said it was the way to start... add live rock and a fish together.


The lion won't get big. He's maxed out on size for the most part. He stays smaller than even a dwarf fuzzy lion.





The skimmer is junk. For around the same price you could get the aquaticlife115 which actually works.Take the BC skimmer back if you can.You are correct that a skimmer is not essential for a nano but if your going to buy one then get one that works.


You need a reliable instrument to meausure your salinity.That is essential for any size tank.


Agreed. I am going back to buy an actual full size hydrometer today. Any suggestions as to good ones?


I'll try to return the BC Skimmer, but I'm not sure if Petco will take it back as I ordered it online.

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I would skip the hydrometer and go for a refractometer if you can afford one. I used an hydrometer when I first started and had some issues, and then later upgraded to the refractometer, and found that the salinity was way off on the hydrometer.

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I would skip the hydrometer and go for a refractometer if you can afford one. I used an hydrometer when I first started and had some issues, and then later upgraded to the refractometer, and found that the salinity was way off on the hydrometer.


Good tip. I'll look into it when I go into the LFS on Sunday. I need to pick up some more live rock to finish the other side of the tank... that first 7 pounds was just for the lionfish.

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I'm not an expert by any means, but it seems as though you are kinda rushing things a little bit. Someone with more knowledge wanna chime in on this.

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Good tip. I'll look into it when I go into the LFS on Sunday. I need to pick up some more live rock to finish the other side of the tank... that first 7 pounds was just for the lionfish.


I forgot to mention, most seem to be $50+ from what I've seen. I would suggest maybe for the short term getting a hydrometer, and then look around online for one, since its likely you will be able to get it for less. I've also seen quite a few being sold in the FS threads.


I'm not an expert by any means, but it seems as though you are kinda rushing things a little bit. Someone with more knowledge wanna chime in on this.


+1 to that. I was going to chime in on that, but I have not done anything with a Fu Manchu before, or any fish like that. If your going to add any more live stock I would suggest waiting a minimum of a few weeks and let the tank cycle, and maybe add the rest of the LR that you want in it.

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I forgot to mention, most seem to be $50+ from what I've seen. I would suggest maybe for the short term getting a hydrometer, and then look around online for one, since its likely you will be able to get it for less. I've also seen quite a few being sold in the FS threads.




+1 to that. I was going to chime in on that, but I have not done anything with a Fu Manchu before, or any fish like that. If your going to add any more live stock I would suggest waiting a minimum of a few weeks and let the tank cycle, and maybe add the rest of the LR that you want in it.


I was told by the fish store guy that as long as the live rock was cured I could keep adding to the tank. I can't add any more fish, starfish, etc. for a few weeks, but I can add cured live rock as I would like.


I also double checked online on a few forums and this seems to be an acceptable way of doing things. Fish can be added directly with LR as it acts as a biological filter. Adding bits of live rock after a couple of days doesn't work against it as long as it is cured.

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Added more live rock. Pictures to come. I want to create an arch in the center of the tank. Previously Fu would only stay on the side of the tank with the live rock in it. Now he runs between both ends. I am also investigating a cleaner team for the future and taking back the Biocube Skimmer to Petco this weekend. Hopefully I can exchange it for a few tetras for the 50 gallon or a Hydrometer.


I also tried feeding Fu frozen krill last night by attaching it to a sharpened piece of long plastic tubing. He seemed interested and hopped after it, but I don't think he is interested just yet. He had live ghost shrimp two days ago, so I'm attempting to get him a little bit hungrier before I try the krill again.

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I'm not an expert by any means, but it seems as though you are kinda rushing things a little bit. Someone with more knowledge wanna chime in on this.

+2 for that, my tank is over a month old and all I have is the cleanup crew, plus I have 18 lbs of live rock. I hope that everything works out for you.

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The tank has been up for a week or so now. I did some tests on the water and received a reading of 0 ammonia, PH of 8.2, and a s.g. of 1.020. The salinity was a bit low. I had just purchased a Coral Life Deep Six Hydrometer, so I backed up the results by taking a water sample to my local fish store. To my surprise, the guy running the store had the same results as I did. I have to up the salinity, but I've been working on that.


Here is a picture of the tank now with the new LR added:




I made the arch by gluing a large LR to a smaller one with epoxy. I also found this:






It looks to be Aiptasia, but I am not sure. Any clue?


Also, Fu is still doing great. I am shocked by the lack of ammonia in the tank as well.


Onward we go...

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First of all, don't listen to advise from the lfs, that is a highway to tank failure in most cases.


Secondly, you should have waited until you had all the rock in the tank and cycled before you added a fish of any kind.


Thirdly, take a quick look around about the care of any fish before you buy it. Like for instance, the fu manchu lionfish is rated at about moderate on most sites, which you clearly are not.


Hope you learned something today, and I wish your tank well, especially if you take advise that people here give. :)

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First of all, don't listen to advise from the lfs, that is a highway to tank failure in most cases.


Secondly, you should have waited until you had all the rock in the tank and cycled before you added a fish of any kind.


Thirdly, take a quick look around about the care of any fish before you buy it. Like for instance, the fu manchu lionfish is rated at about moderate on most sites, which you clearly are not.


Hope you learned something today, and I wish your tank well, especially if you take advise that people here give. :)


Hi there. =)


Actually, their advice is quite good for the readings I am getting. I used water from an already established saltwater tank to fill the 20 gallon up halfway, if that helps any. I knew enough to do that to pre-seed the tank. A lot of people save water from their old tank and put that and new water into their tank when they move along with all their fish and corals in one day. I see it as no different than that. The LR is of course a help as well. Also, I find the Fu Manchu very easy to care for. It eats frozen food and ghost shrimp quite readily. This tank is giving me fewer problems than my freshwater tank did on startup.


Also, my 50 gallon has been running smoothly for about a year and I just moved the entire thing myself into a new place. No one died in transport, not plant nor fish. I think I am qualified enough with fish to know I am not in the beginner category in that respect. With corals, I definitely am. Fish? I've been around the block awhile since I was 13.

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Just checked water parameters again -


Ammonia 0

Nitrate 5

PH 8.2

SG 1.022

Temp 76


This is going faster than my freshwater tank ever did... that took months!

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Today there was a brown algae outbreak in the tank. It covered all of the rocks and some of the glass. This happened to a lesser extent last night, and it was gone by morning. I assume the tank is just stabilizing itself a bit and this will continue to come and go. The salinity has also risen to 1.024, so I am doing well there.






Fu is still doing well. Here he/she is in all his/her glory:




I also purchased some activated carbon and stuck that into the modded AC70 'fuge I made. I am also planning on raising the live rock by adding some smaller pieces of dry rock underneath the existing rock so that there is not so much rock touching the sand. That will be another job for this weekend, though.


Might also pick up a few snails - not sure yet, though. The ammonia is also still at 0... it's looking good.

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Good news! I just purchased an ADA 60-P Clear tank, so the tank is getting a huge upgrade as soon as it is shipped. No more rims! Clearer glass! The only thing is the ADG shop is out of stock right now, so I could be waiting a bit for it. Anyone have any experience on waiting for Out of Stock Items from there?


I'm soon to be part of the ADA club out there. ;p

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Scored a sweet deal on an Aqua C Remora HOB Skimmer, so I'll be picking that up today. I'm pretty excited with the ADA tank and this Remora coming in. I'm contemplating a sump... then it comes down to if I should drill or not. I am also looking at the MAME and other overflows. I'll take pictures soon...

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