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What are these red spiky things on new LR?


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I got a new piece of LR from the LFS. Marshall Island i believe. Anyways it came with these weird spiky red things attached. I dont believe they're corraline algae.


They dont move and are hard to the touch.


Any ideas?

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I've seen these things on LR before, and I've never noticed them moving or anything like that. From what I can gather, they seem to be some form of hard sponge, or at least a sponge-type creature, or, they could also be a form of coralline...hard to tell without biological testing, and I haven't the foggiest how to do that. I wouldn't worry too much about them.

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Foraminiferans! Believe it or not those are protozoan animals, just big one. They form a hard, red shell. Harmless and pretty sessile filter-feeders, don't need intentional feeding, prefer shaded areas. Those are probably Homotrema rubrum. I've got them on my LR too.

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woo hoo, i have them on mine as well and just assumed it was more corraline algae good to know there is a reason i add phytoplankton to feed the live rock :)

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Thanks for the info. I knew you guys wouldn't let me down!


You might not be able to make it out from the picture but the one right in the center is four tube-like structures. Interesting.

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