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Coral Vue Hydros

RARE macros


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hey guys im trying to put together a thread of rare macros and hopefully with the collective searching power of nano-reef we can start finding some of these and be able to spread it through out the community. like herpes or syphilis or something like that.....*shifty eyes*


now on to those algaes.

bangia atropurpurea


Gibsmithia hawaiiensis


Halymenia formosa


Ganonema pinnatum



so has anyone ever seen any of these?





on another note



edit:(this will be deleted later)

I will be in hawaii later in july, and will have some time to collect algaes. while im there not sure what i will find but if anyone in california wants any macro algaes from the area please let me know.) - i still need to check into the collection laws there though. but i think it should be fine for this type of stuff. its mostly anything rock/sps related and or fish related. that have issues.

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There's actually a guy in hawaii who sells macros off and on... most of the stuff he sells is considered 'invasive' though. I think he picks em up when ever he goes to the beach lol.

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ill be taking a few requests. while im in hawaii. so if you guys want anything i find over there please let me know. i only ask you send me some when the time comes as i cant really send it to myself(pay for my shipping costs).... if that makes sense.


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anything i find

So I'll take one of everything :D


Haha I'll take all the stuff you posted except the Halymenia

Thank you :)

I wonder, do you think they need priority or overnight shipping?


Oh, ever since some of this over there? I know a few people have it, but I've never seen it for sale



or this? It was just labeled "Hawaiian Macro Algae" at the LFS, I've never seen it again


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Ganonema pinnatum



reef cleaners had a macro very similar to this one that was posted for a couple of days a few months ago

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Like this one?

Dichotomaria obtusata




woah, just saw this one

Martensia fragilis



this one looks fragile

Asparagopsis taxiformis


sorry I just found a site with lots of pictures of hawaiian macros, I love it :lol:

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hopefully with the collective searching power of nano-reef we can start finding some of these and be able to spread it through out the community. like herpes or syphilis or something like that.....*shifty eyes*

quite an idea ... i like it.


ill be taking a few requests. while im in hawaii. so if you guys want anything i find over there please let me know. i only ask you send me some when the time comes as i cant really send it to myself(pay for my shipping costs).... if that makes sense.


im in SD, if i can help lmk.

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anyone else have anything weird in their tanks? i ve got a few ive been holding back and will be posting pics of shortly.(next week)



this one looks fragile

Asparagopsis taxiformis





lol funny you bring this one up its hard to keep. REALLY hard has two life stages. with the other being a red turf looking algae. requires high flow and high light.

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We find Asparagopsis in shaded areas too. In my 10g I kept a really nice piece of it for awhile (monthsis long for this algae), under a dual 15w incandescent wal-mart hood. It even turned light when in the middle, and colored back up on the sides. The hardest part was keeping it propped up, the midrib is very flexible and will not support the weight of the macro, it will just slump over under the water or outside of it. A wavemaker that pushed it back and forth would be ideal, we angled it so that it wanted to fall over but was getting pushed back up by the current.

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We find Asparagopsis in shaded areas too. In my 10g I kept a really nice piece of it for awhile (monthsis long for this algae), under a dual 15w incandescent wal-mart hood. It even turned light when in the middle, and colored back up on the sides. The hardest part was keeping it propped up, the midrib is very flexible and will not support the weight of the macro, it will just slump over under the water or outside of it. A wavemaker that pushed it back and forth would be ideal, we angled it so that it wanted to fall over but was getting pushed back up by the current.

LOL! i thought that said asparagus :lol:

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algae ppl unite! lets see what everyone has. ive only got ochotdes at the moment. and nemastoma coming soon!

what do you guys have?

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This fellow here had it.


Unfortunately I think he killed/removed it. No one had any idea what the macro was when he first found it :tears:


So sad...


I'll hunt in my tank to see if any is still around. It was pretty hardy and grew back a few times after my attempts to kill it. The only reason I wanted it gone was that it was growing onto / underneath a hairy mushroom and irritating the crap out of it. It was very pretty though. How rare is this stuff? Would people have paid for it?

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Thrassian Atoll

I have been looking for some pics of macro in peoples tanks. Really interested in getting something

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I have a nice group of red bubble algae it does well in reef tanks and it's pretty cool looking.... I'll try to get some pic up later lights are off now... I might be able to get some for socal folks....



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I have galaxia rugosa, nemastoma, ochtodes, and a couple unidentifieds, as well as all the more common ones that I will post pics of as soon as I can get good pictures of them. One of my macros looks very similar to the freshwater plant cabomba, and it's purplish-red in coloring. I'd love to know what it is.


I would definitely be willing to trade for any of the rarer macros that I don't have, so feel to free to ask.


sbcaes- HOOK IT UP

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green toadstool algaes. ulva. halimeda tuna. red grape. and some ochtodes.

caulerpa mexicana, caulerpa racemosa var. looks more like cups. than anything else.



ive also got a weird macro from indo pac. its a werid growth form but the best way to describe it. is... its sort of like blue scroll. but dark red.


i have frags of ALL of these available now.


have a red fern algae. and some kallymenia. sp* which is in grow out right now.

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