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New tank very cloudy water


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Yesterday I took the plunge and added my LS and RO saltwater (premixed at my LFS) to my new 26 gallon tank. I added the LS first then the water. The water become extremely cloudy very white in color. I cannot see through to the background that's how bad it is. I let it sit all day and night and it has not settled yet. I have a Bak Pak 2 and a power head hooked up right now. Do I need to add a HOB to filter the water? I am eager to put my LR in but am not sure if it's a hot idea.

SG= 1.021

Temp= 75

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If this is a reef, you want to get your SG up to around 1.024 - 1.025 (1.025 is the average SG on reefs from around the world). The cloudiness is silt that came out of the sand. It will settle with time, so don't worry too much about it.

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Don't worry about the cloudiness, it will clear in time. I just set up a 120 a couple weeks ago with 150lbs of Southdown and for two weeks (after two complete water changes) it's just starting to be clear. It looked like milk the first few days, and it took about a week and a half to clear to the point where I could see the back of the tank. I dropped HOT Magnum on there the first day, and it didn't do much, the other day I went to Walmart and popped a Whisper HOB on it and it really helped clear it up. When the tank is clear, I'll take the hang-ons off. I actually just stirred the sand a bit last night to get some of the silt floating around again so the HOB can snag it. It just takes time. I also haven't added any salt yet.

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I took a tupperware container and put it upside down on top of my LS and then poured the water on it so that it wouldn't cloud the water so much... but maybe that is why my water is hazy all the time, I should have "shook up" the little stuff to get out the dust. Well, there is always next time.

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Thanks!! I have been wondering what the saltwater equivalent of the diatom filters used in FW for water polishing were. I think 20$ is a worthwhile investment for clear water........

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new sand has a tendency to be thrown around the tank easily. After its settled its harder to stir up again. Patience is a better investment than 20$ because youre impatient. Next time rinse your sand before adding it to the tank, should have better results.

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In all honesty... its not impatience, its concern for inhabitants - I don't want them to choke on the amount of debris floating around. FYI - I was told not to rinse my sand because it was LS. But thanks for the input. I just want to protect my cleanup crew when I do water changes.

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I wouldn't mind cloudiness with LS. It will settle down in a week or so. You could use quick filter to trap small particles as 1fish2fish said.

You may put your LRs into your tank. If they are uncured, ammonia spike is gonna make your water cloudy anyway.

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Tank is already cycled.... LR has already been in for 3 weeks. It took 2 weeks to clear the first time, then I added a couple critters to help with the algae from the cycle. When I did a water change it kicked it all back up again. I think that the powerhead with quick filter is a good idea after water changes until the dust from the sand is gone.

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Hm when I was setting up my 55g I had the water already in the tank with the right SG an PH before I added my LS. I had no cloudiness what so ever was nice an clear right after I added the LS.

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Perhaps I bought crappy sand. I am a newbie ya know, so it is a very good possibility. I don't remember what kind it was off the top of my head.


All I know is that after the last water change I used the quick filter attached to a powerhead for a little over an hour and it did wonders for the water clarity. I don't expect crystal yet, but I didn't want to "smother" my critters.

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