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The Hun's 6.8g SPS Zen Coral Garden


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man! this tank looks amazing I'm a big fan of the scape.

If you ever end up coming to the UK chop me off a piece of that efflo :D:P



*edit* we should make a sub 10 gallon sps club.

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Agreed! There is something different about the big sps in small tanks. I wish I could run a sweet skimmer like your deltec!

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Agreed! There is something different about the big sps in small tanks. I wish I could run a sweet skimmer like your deltec!


It might be the pricetag! It costs a whole lot less to fill a tank :P


I love the skimmer It still astounds me that I've got so many fish and that my nitrates and phosphates are practically undetectable. I really want to get a school of redspot cardinals now :P

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Hey K, Your pico is looking absolute amazing! I can't see how you keep them SPS up to par with color.


I am getting ready to add a Yellow Efflo frag to my new tank and was wondering with your opinion on where is best to put them at? I am getting into SPS recently and wanted to try out something new for me. Thanks.

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nano is looking good!!!

nice elfo! i been looking for a frag of one for the last 2 weeks. Hint HInt

how do you like growth with leds to t5 im about to set up a 40 breeder and dont know what to do led or a ati t5 they are almost the same in price!

also great scape. and those chalices are getting huge!

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It might be the pricetag! It costs a whole lot less to fill a tank :P


I love the skimmer It still astounds me that I've got so many fish and that my nitrates and phosphates are practically undetectable. I really want to get a school of redspot cardinals now :P


Man, to be honest I think your tank is plenty honest. I have a social fairy in my 60g, and it swims every space of it...



Hey K, Your pico is looking absolute amazing! I can't see how you keep them SPS up to par with color.


I am getting ready to add a Yellow Efflo frag to my new tank and was wondering with your opinion on where is best to put them at? I am getting into SPS recently and wanted to try out something new for me. Thanks.


Thanks D, always appreciate your kind feedback.


The efflo is a cool piece since it grows out like a solid table. It needs high light and medium flow. I've never seen a yellow efflo, must be cool!



nano is looking good!!!

nice elfo! i been looking for a frag of one for the last 2 weeks. Hint HInt

how do you like growth with leds to t5 im about to set up a 40 breeder and dont know what to do led or a ati t5 they are almost the same in price!

also great scape. and those chalices are getting huge!


Thanks dude, I'm not trying to frag this, but I'll keep you in mind when I do...I'd go with T5 for that long of a tank, but that's just me. I still havent fiddled with the light, I'll get to it.


Love this tank, where did you get it btw?


I got it at a LFS, was like 12$...

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haha yeah don't worry it's not getting anymore, perhaps a few yummy chalice frags if anything. your echinata is gorgeous too, how true to life are the photos?

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Thanks K, It's a really small piece of the Efflo so hopefully i can grow it out. I just got me a used finnex T5 light so thinking about doing some mods on LEDS T5 Hybrid. :) Since you have very success with T5, i would like to try them too.


Do you start noticing fade in colors of your corals when you added the LEDs?

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  • 7 months later...

Any updates bro? Haven't seen you on here for a very long time. Is everything alrite over there on the westside? :)

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