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Coral Vue Hydros

"Ideal" alkalinity level for SPS tank


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Is there a level which is ideal for a mostly SPS coral tank. My Alk has gone from 2.86 to 2.63 over the past three days while my calcium levels have gone from 350 to 370. I have been adding B-Ionic at a rate of roughly 2.5 ml per day.



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you will want the alk up in the 5s-6s for an sps tank, the calcium around 400. this will be plenty of calcium for your spss, hth


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So do you think I will need to add a supplemental buffer? I just did a 1 gallon w/c and am going to measure alk again later this afternoon. Is adding B-ionic enough, and should I increase the quantity?



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3.0 - 3.5 Meq/l

400-450 ppm

Be patient with the bi-onic it will take a while to get it perfect especially with growth happening all the time.

I think Nanoreefer53 was saying he was adding 20ml a day at one point till he saw the light and started dosing Kalkwasser (that Bi-onic stuff is mucho $$$)

Good luck and keep us posted,


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oops sorry to address your inbalance issue,

ALK is consumed much more rapidly than CA That is the nature of the calcium cycle it takes a big loss in ALK to have a minimal loss in CA (short term) this is normal to see a drop in ALK and not much going on with CA.



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As Toyfreak said, for a small change in calcium you get a big change of alk--all part of the fact that everyone in your tank is making calcium carbonate.


I shoot for 2.5-4.0 meq/l (7-11 dKH) and 400-430ppm. Everyone has their own opinion, though they are usually in that neighborhood. I wouldn't stray too far from those numbers--at higher concentrations, you may see increased precipitation in your powerheads (that means they might seize after a few weeks). No big deal, but it means more time soaking your impellors in vinegar to dissolve the CaCO3.


FWIW, if I stop supplementing, I lose about 1.4 dKH every single day.



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i try to keep my stable at 11dkh / 4.5meg/l and 400-450ppm calcium level...some iodine supplements are good also, as well as magnesium and stronum... ahhh..so many things to keep track..who ever said reefing is easy? hahhahaha

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